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Overcoming Graduation

169 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 14 ratings

Overcoming Graduation with Brian Drury is a podcast all about teaching you everything you want to learn about life that college never prepared you for so that you can live the life of your dreams. We will cover everything from how to deal with emotional stresses, to staying active with a 9-5 job, and so much more. Join me on this adventure and check out all the updates at OvercomingGraduation.com!

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Ep. 115 Morning Commute #37: Effort and Expectations

December 10, 2018 11:00 - 18 minutes - 16.7 MB

Ep. 115 Morning Commute #37: Effort and Expectations Today I share a lesson I learned from one of my new favorite people, Inky Johnson. What happens when our expectations exceed our effort?  How can we massively transform our lives?  Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  If you are tired of bad habits running your life and want to shift your habits so they are pulling you forward instead of holding you back, I would love to connect. I am currently o...

114 Morning Commute #36: You Are Not A Worrier, Procrastinator, or a Quitter

December 07, 2018 11:00 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

114 Morning Commute #36: You Are Not A Worrier, Procrastinator, or a Quitter There are times I have felt like I won't ever be able to get past the stories I have told myself and the limiting beliefs in my head.  There are times it feels like I am an anxious person or a person who is always going to feel like my effort is never enough, no matter how hard I work. What if that didn't have to be true?  In today's episode I share one of the most powerful reframes I have ever heard on how ...

Ep. 114 Morning Commute #36: You Are Not A Worrier, Procrastinator, or a Quitter

December 07, 2018 11:00 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

Ep. 114 Morning Commute #36: You Are Not A Worrier, Procrastinator, or a Quitter There are times I have felt like I won't ever be able to get past the stories I have told myself and the limiting beliefs in my head.  There are times it feels like I am an anxious person or a person who is always going to feel like my effort is never enough, no matter how hard I work. What if that didn't have to be true?  In today's episode I share one of the most powerful reframes I have ever heard on ...

Ep. 113 Morning Commute #35: Redo

December 03, 2018 11:00 - 22 minutes - 21.6 MB

Ep. 113 Morning Commute #35: Redo What happens when all of your hard work seems like it was for nothing?  How can celebrating your past failures set you up to succeed in the present?  Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  If you are tired of bad habits running your life and want to shift your habits so they are pulling you forward instead of holding you back, I would love to connect. I am currently offering a free one-hour Habit Transformation Session...

Ep. 112 Morning Commute #34: A Completely Different Kind of Day

November 23, 2018 11:00 - 20 minutes - 19.3 MB

Ep. 112 Morning Commute #34: A Completely Different Kind of Day What is the one habit in your life that you know if you changed, your whole life would look different?  Why do we stay stuck in bad habits or routines for days, months, or years?  What does it take to create a COMPLETELY different kind of day from what you are used to?  Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding...

Ep. 111 Morning Commute #33: If You Want to Be FIRED UP

November 19, 2018 11:00 - 20 minutes - 18.8 MB

Ep. 111 Morning Commute #33: If You Want to Be FIRED UP When was the last time you felt truly ON FIRE in your life?  What were the components of your life that had you feeling like you could take on the world?  How can you reconnect with that feeling?  Tune in to today's episode to find out!    ARE YOU READY TO CONQUER YOUR MORNINGS: Join the 30-Day FREE MORNING MASTERY CHALLENGE to finally take control of your mornings. The challenge begins November 21, 2018 and you can join by...

Ep. 110 Morning Commute #32: Don't Buy A Gym

November 16, 2018 11:00 - 19 minutes - 17.6 MB

Ep. 110 Morning Commute #32: Don't Buy A Gym Have you ever tried to get in shape but thought you needed to buy some new dumbbells, new equipment, or even an entire new gym set before you could REALLY get into shape? Have you ever examined how the Destination Fallacy or Accomplishment Fallacy or guiding your life?  Tune in today to find out how you can get in shape without the gym and conquer the fallacies that may be subtly holding you back.    ARE YOU READY TO CONQUER YOUR MORNING...

Ep. 109 Mike Domitrz: From Pain to Purpose - Respect, Mutuality, and How to Help Victims of Sexual Violence

November 14, 2018 20:54 - 1 hour - 89.2 MB

Ep. 109 Mike Domitrz: From Pain to Purpose - Respect, Mutuality, and How to Help Victims of Sexual Violence Mike knew from a very young age that he was destined to be on stage. He KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that one day he was going to be an actor and a performer on Broadway and in movies.  He was pursuing his dream with all his passion and everything seemed to be going to plan. As a freshman in college, he was even putting on his own show! Everything came to a screeching halt wh...

Ep. 108 Morning Commute #31: It's My Birfday

November 12, 2018 11:00 - 16 minutes - 15.3 MB

Ep. 108 Morning Commute #31: It's My Birfday This was a special Morning Commute, getting to record an episode on my birthday October 22.  In this episode I reflect on lessons learned in running this podcast for 4 years, the business for 3 years, and what I have learned about life throughout this ride.  One of the biggest things I share is what I have learned about how to be MUCH happier and CREATE the life you want rather than hope and wait. And in particular, I talk about some of my...

Ep. 107 Morning Commute #30: The Repeated Failed Experiment

November 09, 2018 11:00 - 15 minutes - 14.3 MB

Ep. 107 Morning Commute #30: The Repeated Failed Experiment What does failure look like to you?  What does failure mean to you?  Is your failure helping you grow or leading you to feeling more and more stuck? If you want to shift so that your failures start fueling your successes, listen in to today's episode of the Morning Commute on the Overcoming Graduation podcast!   ARE YOU READY TO CONQUER YOUR MORNINGS: Join the 30-Day FREE MORNING MASTERY CHALLENGE to finally take control ...

Ep. 106 Morning Commute #29: WANT TO vs HAVE TO

November 05, 2018 11:00 - 23 minutes - 21.3 MB

Ep. 106 Morning Commute #29: WANT TO vs HAVE TO Your perspective in life can make all the difference.  The words you think and say are SO important. Are the words you are using fueling you towards your dreams or are they actively holding you back? Are they motivating you to feel excited about doing the work or making you feel like your passion is your burden? How can you shift it if your perspective is holding you back?  Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NO...

Ep. 105 Morning Commute #28: Maybe

October 26, 2018 10:00 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Ep. 105 Morning Commute #28: Maybe How can you know if what has happened in your life is good or bad?  How can you know definitively whether that occurrence in your life will serve to benefit you and lift you up or tear you down?  Listen in today to hear a story all about how to decide what an event will mean for you in your life!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of what are your life’s passio...

Ep. 104 Morning Commute #27: S.T.A.Y.

October 22, 2018 10:00 - 18 minutes - 16.8 MB

Ep. 104 Morning Commute #27: S.T.A.Y. When we are caught up in a negative spiral, it can feel damn near impossible to get out of it at times.  There are times where it feels like we can only see the negative even when tons of positive things are happening around us. What's one of the most powerful ways I have found to get out of these spirals?  Listen in today to hear a POWERFUL lesson I learned to break out of negative cycles at a conference just a few years ago.    OVERCOMING G...

Ep. 103 Morning Commute #26: Is It Even Worth It?

October 19, 2018 10:00 - 11 minutes - 10.6 MB

Ep. 103 Morning Commute #26: Is It Even Worth It? Sometimes we can wonder if all the effort we put into things in our life really matters. We can find ourselves asking, "Is it even worth it?" Life will push us, life will test us, life will challenge us. How do we know when the juice is worth the squeeze?  How do we know when it is time to let go or time to take one more step, never knowing when that next step could be the one that makes the difference?  Tune in today to find out!  ...

Ep. 102 Rene Godefroy: "No Condition is Permanent" from Abject Poverty to Motivating the Masses

October 17, 2018 10:00 - 1 hour - 72.3 MB

Ep. 102 Rene Godefroy: "No Condition is Permanent" from Abject Poverty to Motivating the Masses When you hear Rene Godefroy's story, it is no surprise that companies like Aflac, Coca-Cola, Cox Enterprise, Marriott International, AT&T and more have hired him to speak at their events. Growing up in abject poverty in Haiti, Rene faced challenges that most of us can only imagine. He was abandoned as a child in a small village. As he grew he faced hunger, a myriad of deadly diseases, isolatio...

Ep. 101 Morning Commute #25: Balance

October 15, 2018 10:00 - 16 minutes - 14.9 MB

Ep. 101 Morning Commute #25: Balance Is it possible to create balance in your life?  Between you health, wealth, and relationships, there always seems to be too many plates to keep spinning. What can we do to create and maintain balance and change our perspective on what balance even looks like?  Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of what are your life’s passions and...

Ep. 100 The Top 5 Interviews of ALL TIME on the OVERCOMING GRADUATION Podcast in Honor of EPISODE 100

October 12, 2018 21:00 - 34 minutes - 34.5 MB

Ep. 100 The Top 5 Interviews of ALL TIME on the OVERCOMING GRADUATION Podcast in Honor of EPISODE 100 Writing this is so exciting because we have finally reached a major, MAJOR milestone in the evolution of this business and podcast. Today marks the day that I am launching Episode 100 of the Overcoming Graduation Podcast!  The first episode launched back on December 30th, 2014 and as I am approaching 4 years of podcasting, I wanted to do something special in honor of the 100th episode....

Ep. 99 Morning Commute #24: Excitement in Preparation

October 08, 2018 07:00 - 15 minutes - 13.8 MB

Ep. 99 Morning Commute #24: Excitement in Preparation Are you having trouble getting started working on the things you want to create in life because you are dreading the preparation?  What would it look like if you were excited each day to put in time working towards your dreams?  If you would like to create that excitement and joy in working on creating your unique impact in the world, tune in to today's episode of the Morning Commute on the Overcoming Graduation podcast!   OVERC...

Ep. 98 Morning Commute #23: Morning Ignition

October 05, 2018 07:00 - 14 minutes - 12.7 MB

Ep. 98 Morning Commute #23: Morning Ignition What could making you bed have to do with living an exceptional life?  What do excellence and momentum have to do with laying your sheets on the bed first thing in the morning or maybe even taking a an ice cold shower?  Can small morning commitments change your life? Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of what are your life...

Ep. 97 Kevin Donahue: Master Salesman talks Painting a Brighter Future, Neuro Performance Academy, and Surf and Serve

October 03, 2018 07:00 - 1 hour - 94.9 MB

Ep. 97 Kevin Donahue: Master Salesman talks Painting a Brighter Future, Neuro Performance Academy, and Surf and Serve When it comes to sales, there are few people in the world more qualified to talk on that topic than Kevin Donahue.  At an early age he was inspired by his grandfather's entrepreneurial pursuits to take on a life of generating wealth by creating value. As a child Kevin started with paper routes and direct response marketing and since then, he's has never looked back.  Af...

Ep. 96 Morning Commute #22: A Turn Around Day

October 01, 2018 07:00 - 20 minutes - 17.7 MB

Ep. 96 Morning Commute #22: A Turn Around Day   Is there anything you can do to turn your day around? What can you do when everything seems to be going against you?  What options are there for you when you feel stuck?    Tune in today to find out!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of what are your life’s passions and find out what actions to take TODAY to start making your dreams reality, FA...

Ep. 95 Morning Commute #21: Authenticity

September 21, 2018 07:00 - 15 minutes - 13.5 MB

Ep. 95 Morning Commute #21: Authenticity Have you ever been so worried about being authentic that you start second guessing all of your decisions?  Do you ever down play your accomplishments out of a fear of your authentic joy being perceived as bragging?  In today's episode we will talk about the subtle, dangerous trap that can come when you are trying too hard to be "authentic" and how you can overcome it.  If you get value from this episode, please share it with a friend, loved on...

Ep. 94 Morning Commute #20: I Want to Be Like Everyone Else

September 17, 2018 07:00 - 16 minutes - 14.9 MB

Ep. 94 Morning Commute #20: I Want to Be Like Everyone Else Why can't I just be like everyone else? Have you ever asked yourself that?  Sometimes it seems like life would be easier if we just liked all the same things as the people around us. But if that were true, that would rob us of one of our greatest opportunities in life.  Discovering your self and your tribe is one of life's great missions. Are you ready to take on your mission? To find out how to embrace that mission listen i...

Ep. 93 Morning Commute #19: The World is Falling Apart

September 14, 2018 07:00 - 15 minutes - 13.6 MB

Ep. 93 Morning Commute #19: The World is Falling Apart How many times have you heard someone talk about how terrible the world is recently? How many times have you felt like the world was crumbling around you?  Most of society focuses on the news, knowing it is negatively biased, and treats that as the global truth.  What would happen if you started feeding your mind and soul a balanced diet focusing on not just the bad in humanity, but the INCREDIBLY POWERFULLY GOOD?  How different ...

Ep. 92 Alice Little: #1 Highest Paid Legal Sex Worker in the United States talks Sex, Love, and Life

September 12, 2018 07:00 - 1 hour - 62.3 MB

Ep. 92 Alice Little: #1 Highest Paid Legal Sex Worker in the United States talks Sex, Love, and Life Alice Little's story is anything but conventional. Her journey of exploration has taken her from being a jockey, to being an EMT, and now to being the #1 highest paid legal sex worker at the Bunny Ranch made famous by the CatHouse TV series shown on HBO.  Alice is an incredibly intelligent, hard-working person who is doing everything in her power to improve the sex lives of the people she...

Ep. 91 Morning Commute #18: A Fuzzy Clear Vision

September 10, 2018 07:00 - 15 minutes - 13.9 MB

Ep. 91 Morning Commute #18: A Fuzzy Clear Vision "Where do you see yourself in ten years?"  How many times have we heard that one and rolled our eyes. How can you POSSIBLY know where you will be in ten years? It often seems like this is a completely unproductive way of goal setting.  But what if changing it slightly made it INCREDIBLY powerful?  If you want to understand how you can start making your dreams a reality TODAY, without having it all figured out, tune in to today's episod...

Ep. 90 Morning Commute #17: Set a High Low Bar

September 07, 2018 07:00 - 22 minutes - 19.7 MB

Ep. 90 Morning Commute #17: Set a High Low Bar Who is setting the bar in your life? Is it society, your environment, your parents, your friends, or you?  An unfortunate reality in society today is that the bar is very, very low in most things. We have to actively pursue a raised bar and surround ourselves with people who don't accept the basic, standard, low bar. Are you ready to raise your bar, not just in one area, but in ALL AREAS of your life?  Then listen in to today's episode o...

Ep. 89 Morning Commute #16: Chasing Comfort is a Lie

September 03, 2018 07:00 - 21 minutes - 19.6 MB

Ep. 89 Morning Commute #16: Chasing Comfort is a Lie I recently heard Jim Kwik say, "When you go for the easy things in life, life becomes hard. But when you choose to do the hard things, life eventually becomes easy."  We have been told that we want a life of luxury, comfort, and relaxation, but is that really what brings people the greatest joy in life?  In today's episode we talk about one of the best ways to bring more joy and fulfillment to your life.  Tune in today and if this ...

Ep. 88 Morning Commute #15: The Cheat Codes to the Video Game

August 31, 2018 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13.1 MB

Ep. 88 Morning Commute #15: The Cheat Codes to the Video Game Have you ever felt like you just wanted to be able to enter in a cheat code and make things easier in your life?  Have you ever thought, "If I could just make this one part of my life better instantly, EVERYTHING would be better?" Today we'll talk about why that way of thinking is flawed and how it may be quietly holding you back. We'll also discuss how to bring more much more joy into your life. Tune in today and if thi...

Ep. 87 Matt Grace: Former Navy Rescue Swimmer and Firefighter on Discipline, PTS, and Beauty From Heaven

August 29, 2018 07:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Ep. 87 Matt Grace: Former Navy Rescue Swimmer and Firefighter on Discipline, PTS, and Beauty From Heaven Matt Grace spent his childhood years growing up in Hawaii. While many would consider this a dream come true, Matt had an experience in the ocean while living there which changed the course of his life forever. In his early years, unrest at home caused Matt to move constantly living in several different places across the United States. All the while he felt a yearning to be back "home"...

Ep. 86 Morning Commute #14: I'm Entitled to Be Angry

August 27, 2018 07:00 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Ep. 86 Morning Commute #14: I'm Entitled to Be Angry Have you ever felt like you had EVERY right to be angry? Have you even defended why you NEED to be angry in that moment?  We all have. Why does it happen? What triggers it? What can we do about it?  Listen in to today's Morning Commute to find out what you can do when this comes up in your life.    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES:  To book your free one hour Clarity Session to: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of what are...

Ep. 85 Morning Commute #13: Highway or Shovel?

July 20, 2018 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13.2 MB

Ep. 85 Morning Commute #13: Highway or Shovel? Are you ready to start paving your own way? Are you ready for massive change?  Are you FINALLY ready to put aside the excuses and step into YOUR POWER?  Then listen in today to learn why so many people fail at achieving their dreams and how you can instantly set yourself apart and start creating your dream life today.    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES: I'd love for you to subscribe to the show! Search for "Overcoming Graduation" ...

Ep. 84 Morning Commute #12: Can Money Buy Happiness?

July 18, 2018 07:00 - 12 minutes - 10.8 MB

Ep. 84 Morning Commute #12: Can Money Buy Happiness? Is it possible? Is it REALLY possible for money to buy happiness? Truth is... it is.  Want to find out how?  Listen in to today's episode of the OVERCOMING GRADUATION Morning Commute!    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES: I'd love for you to subscribe to the show! Search for "Overcoming Graduation" on Itunes or on Stitcher or click here to be taken to the Itunes page! If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, gi...

Ep. 83 Morning Commute #11: I Would Give it All Up For...

July 16, 2018 07:00 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

Ep. 83 Morning Commute #11: I Would Give it All Up For... What is the one thing you would give up anything to have?  Is it to have the success you've always dreamed of? Is it to meet the person of your dreams? Is it to have more money than you knew what to do with? Or is it something completely different... In today's morning commute I share one of the most powerful stories I have ever heard on this topic, giving you a powerful re-frame on what truly matters most to YOU.    OVE...

Ep. 82 Morning Commute #10: Throw Your Hat Over the Fence

July 13, 2018 07:00 - 17 minutes - 15.9 MB

Ep. 82 Morning Commute #10: Throw Your Hat Over the Fence What's stopping you from making your dream a reality? What is holding you back?  You might think it is not having enough information, not having enough resources, not having enough time. What I have found in my own life and with clients over and over again is that time, money, and information are often not the thing holding us back at all. What is one way to spur you to action when you feel stuck? Listen in to today's episode ...

Ep. 81 Morning Commute #9: Calling Myself on My BS

July 11, 2018 07:00 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

Ep. 81 Morning Commute #9: Calling Myself on My BS Have you ever caught yourself making excuse after excuse on why you can't do what you really want to in life without ever looking for one reason why you could? How often do you catch yourself making excuses on why you can't become everything you've imagined and dreamed of? Let's take today and catch ourselves in the lies we are creating for ourselves. Let's call ourselves on our bullshit so we can step back into our power. I'll kick ...

Ep. 80 Morning Commute #8: Your Unique Ability

July 09, 2018 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13.6 MB

Ep. 80 Morning Commute #8: Your Unique Ability Don't follow your passion.  WHAT?! Did Brian really just tell me not to follow my passion? I thought this podcast was supposed to be inspiring. It is. And the reason I am telling you NOT to follow your passion is because there is a better piece of advice out there. Want to know what it is?  Check out today's episode.    OVERCOMING GRADUATION SHOW NOTES: I'd love for you to subscribe to the show! Search for "Overcoming Graduation"...

Ep. 79 Morning Commute #7: What Are You Actually Working For

June 18, 2018 07:00 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

Ep. 79 Morning Commute #7: What Are You Actually Working For Do you ever pause to remind yourself why you started in the first place? How do you push forward when the emotions that lead you to the decision leave you?  What can you do to reinvigorate your commitment and drive towards your goals when things get tough? What can you do to find your reason for doing the work you do?  Find out in today's episode.    Be sure to pick up your tickets to my first ever co-hosted live even...

Ep. 78 Morning Commute #6: When Things Don't Go To Plan

June 17, 2018 21:58 - 22 minutes - 19.7 MB

Ep. 78 Morning Commute #6: When Things Don't Go To Plan   Life gets really interesting when our best laid plans fall apart. When we have done everything in our power to make sure things go PERFECTLY, and the moment comes, and reality looks NOTHING like our plan.  What are your choices when things don't go to plan? What can you do to still succeed when everything feels like it is falling apart? Check out today's episode to learn a way you can make that happen today!   Be sure to p...

Ep. 77 Morning Commute #5: Jumping to Conclusions

June 13, 2018 16:26 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

Ep. 77 Morning Commute #5: Jumping to Conclusions   Where are you jumping to conclusions in your life? Are those conclusions right, or are they cleverly disguised ways to keep you in your comfort zone?   In today’s episode of the morning commute we are going to discuss that and a LOT more. Check it out today to learn more about how you can go from jumping to conclusions that hold you back, to realizing truths that pull you forward.   Be sure to pick up your tickets to my first ev...

Ep. 76 Will Rossi: King of the Outcasts on Overcoming Depression to Contribute to the World

June 12, 2018 07:00 - 1 hour - 73 MB

Ep. 76 Will Rossi: King of the Outcasts on Overcoming Depression to Contribute to the World Will Rossi is a person in my life who I am privileged to have met. This guy is one of the most heart-centered people I know and THAT is saying something.  His story is unlike any I have heard before and in today's episode he will take us on journeys around the world in his childhood, he will share one of the most incredible stories of giving I have ever heard, take us on a journey through his batt...

Ep. 75 Morning Commute #4: Pain and Pleasure

June 11, 2018 07:00 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

Ep. 75 Morning Commute #4: Pain and Pleasure In Tony Robbins' book, "Awaken the Giant Within" he discusses an incredibly powerful concept we can use to reshape our habits IN AN INSTANT. In today's episode of the Morning Commute, I share this message I learned in Tony Robbins' book and how you can begin applying it in your life TODAY!   Be sure to pick up your tickets to my first ever co-hosted live event, BEYOND BELIEF. The event takes place June 30th, 2018 in Santa Monica, CA and wi...

Ep. 74 Morning Commute #3: You Don't Need More Information

June 10, 2018 10:30 - 18 minutes - 5.06 MB

Ep. 74 Morning Commute #3: You Don't Need More Information We often hide behind excuses to keep us from pushing out of our comfort zone. "I don't have enough experience, I need to learn more about it, once I study it more I'll give it a try," and the list goes on and on.  In most things in life, you will learn FAR MORE from taking action than you will from hypothesizing and researching. If you want to learn to dance, learn how to take incredible photographs, learn to sing or speak anothe...

Ep. 73 Morning Commute #2: Afraid of Looking Stupid

June 10, 2018 00:25 - 14 minutes - 4 MB

Ep. 73 Morning Commute #2: Afraid of Looking Stupid In today's episode of the OCG Morning Commute we will be talking about the fear of looking stupid. Have you ever let the fear of looking stupid keep you from starting something new? Have you ever let the fear of looking stupid keep you from trying to talk to that person across the room, start a business, try a new fitness regime, take dance classes, etc.?  If you answered yes to either of these questions then today's episode of the ...

Ep. 72 Morning Commute #1: Introducing the Morning Commute

June 07, 2018 14:38 - 18 minutes - 4.58 MB

Today, I will be introducing a new series to the Overcoming Graduation podcast called, The Morning Commute!  In this series I will use the time on my morning commute to share a short and powerful message for you to use to start your day!    Be sure to pick up your tickets for my first ever co-hosted live event with Jonathan Fischer titled, BEYOND BELIEF. At this day-long event we will teach you how to live a life that is BEYOND BELIEF in health, wealth, and relationships. Pick up you...

Ep. 71 Kate Erickson: Entrepreneur on Fire, Branding/Marketing, and Connecting All the Pieces

October 11, 2017 10:00 - 42 minutes - 40.5 MB

Ep. 71 Kate Erickson: Entrepreneur on Fire, Branding/Marketing, and Connecting All the Pieces If you are an entrepreneur, you have probably heard of the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast hosted by John Lee Dumas. What you may not know is that John runs the business with his wife and today's guest on the Overcoming Graduation podcast, Kate Erickson.    Kate's journey has taken her in a variety of different directions and at times felt to her as though it was completely random. She graduated wi...

Ep. 70 Sean Stephenson: World-Renowned Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Therapist, Coach, and My Most Important Mentor

July 12, 2017 09:00 - 1 hour - 51.4 MB

Ep. 70 Sean Stephenson: World-Renowned Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Therapist, Coach, and My Most Important Mentor  Today's interview is a very special one because the man I am interviewing today is the reason I got into personal development in the first place. He was a hero for years but is now a good friend or "friendtor" (friend+mentor) as he likes to say. Sean is truly one of the most incredible people I know and I am honored to finally have him on this show and to hav...

Ep. 69 Jeremy Coombs: Overcoming Addiction and FINDING THE FUN

June 28, 2017 09:00 - 1 hour - 77 MB

Ep. 69 Jeremy Coombs: Overcoming Addiction and FINDING THE FUN  Jeremy's young adult years were filled with challenges associated with his addiction to alcohol. One of the worse events lead to him being suspended from his studies at San Diego State university for 2 years.  The tipping point came on a night where the last thing he remembers was looking down at a handful of pills and the moment where he was considering whether or not to take them. After that, everything changed.  Since t...

Ep. 68 Brian Kurtz: Founder of Titan Marketing, Direct Marketing Expert, and Author. Marketing - Crucial to Business, Life, or Both?

May 17, 2017 09:00 - 1 hour - 71.5 MB

Ep. 68 Brian Kurtz: Founder of Titan Marketing, Direct Marketing Expert, and Author. Marketing - Crucial to Business, Life, or Both?  With over 30 years of marketing experience, Brian Kurtz is one of the most prolific marketers out there. He wants everyone to know that marketing is not just one of the most important things to learn in business, but one of the most important skills to learn in life.  So how did it all begin?  He decided while attending Rutgers University that he was goi...

Ep 67. Sophie Kneebone: Australian Performer, Comedian, Actress, and Podcasting Pro

May 03, 2017 09:00 - 1 hour - 65.3 MB

Ep 67. Sophie Kneebone: Australian Performer, Comedian, Actress, and Podcasting Pro At 25 Sophie is a performer, comedian, actress, works at Omny Studios, and has recently decided to go back to school. How can she possibly do all of these things and find success in all of them?  Would you believe that it all began when she entered university in Australia to study law. She thought that was the logical progression. She got great marks and people with great marks went on to become lawyers o...


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