Ep. 109 Mike Domitrz: From Pain to Purpose - Respect, Mutuality, and How to Help Victims of Sexual Violence

Mike knew from a very young age that he was destined to be on stage. He KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that one day he was going to be an actor and a performer on Broadway and in movies. 

He was pursuing his dream with all his passion and everything seemed to be going to plan. As a freshman in college, he was even putting on his own show!

Everything came to a screeching halt when he was 19 years old and he got a phone call that changed everything. His mother called to let him know that his youngest sister had been raped. 

He felt lost, furious, depressed, and wasn't sure if he would ever be able to come to terms with what he had just been told. Until one day when he saw a man presenting about how to stop sexual assault and violence. He went up to that man and said, "I want to do something about this." From that moment forward, his life has never been the same. 

Now Mike is a world renowned speaker and author who is working to shift the culture we live in from one of "permission" to a new paradigm based off mutuality and respect. Mike believes that culture changes one person at a time and is working to spread that message to the masses. 

He has worked with: The Department of Defense, NBC, the Wall Street Journal, Princeton University, the Houston Texans, and many more.

In today's episode Mike will discuss: 

How to help victims of traumatic events, sexual violence, and more The best thing to say when someone shares something painful they are going through What to do to pull yourself out of your darkest moments How to deal with hecklers and the importance of "leading with love" Why we need to EMPOWER instead of PROTECT (how parents can best support their children) Permission vs. Mutuality and how it can change your life Why culture is singular and how we can change the world





Facebook - Mike Domitrz

Instagram - @MikeRespects 

The Date Safe Project

Be sure to check out the "RESPECT PODCAST" by clicking HERE!



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