Ep. 102 Rene Godefroy: "No Condition is Permanent" from Abject Poverty to Motivating the Masses

When you hear Rene Godefroy's story, it is no surprise that companies like Aflac, Coca-Cola, Cox Enterprise, Marriott International, AT&T and more have hired him to speak at their events.

Growing up in abject poverty in Haiti, Rene faced challenges that most of us can only imagine. He was abandoned as a child in a small village. As he grew he faced hunger, a myriad of deadly diseases, isolation, and more. Many of the villagers would laugh and joke, saying he wouldn't make it much longer.

Through hard work, perseverance, and an indomitable positive mindset, Rene made his way to the US. When he arrived in Miami he spoke no English and had only two shirts, one pair of pants, and five dollars in his pocket. 

His diligence and can-do attitude have lead him to become an internationally renowned speaker, best-selling author, and above all, an incredible human being who is changing the world with his four word motto, "No Condition is Permanent." 


In today's episode Rene will discuss: 

What a truck driver taught him about finding your life's purpose How one poor woman's prediction changed his life forever How the phrase, "Beef, chicken, or fish?" opened Rene's mind to a whole new world How "success leaves clues" and what to look for to find them What Jerry Springer taught Rene about motivational speaking Why people will sometimes use "Permanent Solutions" for "Temporary Problems"  What Rene did that saved one woman's life and could have saved another's How to overcome fear of judgement and procrastination for good And so much more! 


To learn about the incredible work Rene is doing, check out the links below: 

Website: https://www.renegodefroy.com/

Youtube Channel: Rene Godefroy Youtube

Facebook Page: Rene Godefroy Facebook

Instagram Page: Rene Godefroy Instagram

Rene's Best-Selling Book: Kick Your Excuses Goodbye




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To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at [email protected]


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