Ep. 100 The Top 5 Interviews of ALL TIME on the OVERCOMING GRADUATION Podcast in Honor of EPISODE 100

Writing this is so exciting because we have finally reached a major, MAJOR milestone in the evolution of this business and podcast.

Today marks the day that I am launching Episode 100 of the Overcoming Graduation Podcast! 

The first episode launched back on December 30th, 2014 and as I am approaching 4 years of podcasting, I wanted to do something special in honor of the 100th episode. 

I decided to take a look at the stats and see what episodes were most the most downloaded. What were the episodes that resonated most WITH YOU? Then I decided to take the responses to the closing question from each of those episodes and compile them into Episode 100.

The final question is always (in one form or another), "If you could go back and give advice to your younger self, what would that advice be?" 

I brought all those responses together in the second half of the episode. To start, I kick things off by telling a bit of the story from where we started to where we are now and how we got here.

I loved thinking back to the beginning when I had my phone on speaker with my iPod Touch next to it recording interviews then looking at how much the podcast has grown, and how much I have grown through all of this. 



#1 Ep. 40 Alex Allman: SEX Expert, Author of the Best Selling Book Revolutionary Sex, Talks Orgasms, Size, and How to INSTANTLY Have Better Sex (Published October 7, 2015)

#2 Ep. 2 Charlie Brenneman: From High School Spanish Teacher to Professional UFC Fighter (Published December 30, 2014)

#3 Ep. 92 Alice Little: #1 Highest Paid Legal Sex Worker in the United States talks Sex, Love, and Life (Published September 12, 2018)

#4 Ep. 16 Kara Eula: San Francisco Tech Company Recruiter on How to Dominate Your Next Interview and Kick Fear to the Curb in Your Life (Published March 19, 2015)

#5 Ep. 5: John Lapointe, Entrepreneur, Self-Employed Landscaper who Designs Spaces for People to Create Memories (Published January 14, 2015)


It has been an honor sharing 100 EPISODES with all of you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. To everyone who has been on the show, supported me, listened, downloaded, provided a rating, shared, or been a part of my life through this journey, thank you.

This podcast in many ways saved me and brought me back from the darkest spot of my life. It has helped me grow, it has helped me connect, and it has helped me by providing me a forum to share the most powerful lessons I learn in my life in hopes they will benefit you. 

I can't wait to see where life takes us all as we continue on this journey. Remember that each day, each episode, each step, each tough conversation, each moment of bliss, each second is another opportunity to learn, grow, laugh, and love.

I wish you all the best and here is to another 100.


"And I'll be talking to you again, real soon..." 




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If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

To provide a rating click here, click the "View in Itunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.


To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at [email protected]

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