Previous Episode: Dealing with anxiety
Next Episode: Motivation

Do you believe if you work really hard you will be rewarded? Do you tell yourself that you had such a hard day therefore you deserve chocolate tonight?
Listen up to today's episode where I share something that you probably never heard before.
Effort doesn't equal results. Sometimes we get rewards by working less, sometimes we work our butt off and get no rewards. That's how the world works. But if you believe that every hard work results in rewarding, you might feelĀ  entitled to have quick results and if it doesn't happen you will be frustrated and not getting the results you want anyway.
The text I shared today is from Brooke Castillo, Master Coach and Owner of The Life Coach School. You can find more about her and her school and podcast at

P.S.: Want to work with me? Here's how
I run a 6-week group programme as a kick start to your journey in overcome emotional eating and losing weight for good. You'll learn all the tools and have the support from me and a group of amazing women that have the same goals as you do. This is the place for you that want to make a change, have results, and not do it alone... if this is you, our next group starts on August 9th. Check it out HERE

P.P.S.: I also work with women on a 6-month 1:1 programme. This programme is for you if you're ready to take your work to the next level, go deeper and have full transformation from inside out. I have limited spots for my 1:1 roster. Book a free consult call to discuss further about work together, for either group or 1:1 support.

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