Grace & Joy! artwork

Grace & Joy!

72 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

On aliveness and wonder for Sensitives, Empaths, Introverts & Intuitives... for living a heart-centred life.

Arts Religion & Spirituality Spirituality art poetry hsp sensitivity joy painting celebration love
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'This is the news' - one thing, one thing, one thing, one leaf'

February 20, 2024 15:00 - 2 minutes - 2 MB

An intuitive poem of 2 mins 45 written in a few minutes after listening to 'The World at One' on Radio 4 and then looking outside.  Feeling a  great need for calming ... and the birds and the trees spoke to me x So wonderful writing these, having no idea really what will emerge... the process of writing and then reading them is always so surprising and calming for me. 'This is the news' – an afternoon poem This is the world at 1.45 says the news presenter on Radio 4.  This is the news...

Gentle body scan meditation - for relaxation and peace

July 16, 2023 12:00 - 21 minutes - 14.7 MB

An episode of just over 20  mins with a gentle guided meditation for relaxing the body. This meditation was inspired by listening to a Self-Realisation Fellowship (SRF) talk on Youtube - 'How to overcome Nervousness'   and a body scan was suggested - mine grew from this and became much longer than anticipated :) The meditation begins at  1 min 26  (see chapter marker)  Apologies for abrupt ending of music! My audio editor has changed and I can't quite work out how to do fade ins/out yet.....

Resting in (and as) our natural state - and 'After the Ecstasy, the Laundry' by Jack Kornfield

June 18, 2023 17:00 - 12 minutes - 8.9 MB

An episode inspired by and referencing the wonderful book, 'After the Ecstasy, the Laundry' by Buddhist teacher and writer Jack Kornfield. Looking at Chapter 7 and discussing enlightenment, meditation and peace...   Julian of Norwich and Zen poet Ryokan Taigu are mentioned amongst others, as are  Mooji and Eckhart Tolle. In preparation too for my own meditation offering soon of '7 days of peace' - connecting with the peace we already are  x ....................................... ** - ...

On the energy of trust and love - with a visualisation by Lee Harris

April 24, 2023 10:00 - 7 minutes - 5.34 MB

An episode of 7.5 mins on trust and love, with a short guided visualisation by the wonderful  energy intutuitive and channeler Lee Harris.  Recorded quite quickly whilst reading his book 'Energy Speaks' ...and also in order to try out a new microphone :) The visualisation begins at 1 min 52 secs in    More info on Lee Harris   ‘ ....................................... ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards ...

The Wren - Tweet of the Day

February 22, 2023 19:00 - 3 minutes - 2.73 MB

A tiny episode of almost 4 mins on a little garden wren who decided to sing a few words to me :)  ... & in the moment, she echoed the words of Eckhart Tolle - on gratitude and abundance! I also had to suddenly jump up and paint! -  a 1 min painting with inks (the podcast cover for this episode) x   Eckhart Tolle and the wren (whilst hopping over and under and through the fence (the wren :))) :   ‘Be grateful for your experience  in this moment,  whatever it may be and if you can’t b...

Saturday walk and Buddhist Heart Sutra x

December 18, 2022 17:00 - 11 minutes - 8.26 MB

An episode of almost 12 mins on a Saturday rambling dog walk through the fields in West Penwith, Cornwall. Also singing the Heart Sutra, from the Mahayana tradition which has been so beautiful for me recently and also reminds me of when I stayed in a Buddhist Monastery many years ago... ** I'm not a singer - so my voice isn't the best! :) - this podcast is for confidence around voice and all being perfect just as it is x Gate gate para gate para sam gate bodhi swaha (Sanskrit: गते गते पा...

The Magpie - Tweet of the Day

September 08, 2022 11:00 - 7 minutes - 5.51 MB

An episode of almost 8 mins on my garden Magpies. This was inspired by an element in the course I'm currently running 'Birdsong, Flight & Wonder' - Meditation, Painting and Friendship My magpie decided to share a few words with me :) There is also a reading of Ted Hughes' 'Wind' at around 3 mins 55  Please see chapter marker x ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and cat treats ... (& ...

Spring poetry and an Ode to the Cat - e.e.cummings, Pablo Neruda (& Brother Ginger)

May 18, 2022 10:00 - 9 minutes - 6.63 MB

An episode of almost 10 mins on poetry for Spring (although before the intro there's a mention of November :)).   This was recorded in late April but have only just had time to create it and publish. I had a bit of a fluey/cold when recording this! Initially this was only going to be poems by e.e.cummings but then the big ginger neighbourhood cat Brother G inspired me to read Neruda's wonderful 'Ode to the Cat'... and he sat and listened all the while:) x Featuring mewing from Brother G t...

On Grace

February 08, 2022 14:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

An episode of  just over 16 mins on Grace and what this might mean... and it's beautiful presence in our lives.   With a mention of Leonard Cohen, Alan Cohen, Rainer Maria Rilke and Mary Oliver... I'd love to know your thoughts on Grace too... A reading of Rilke's 'The Poet Speaks of Praising' is at 7mins 12 secs in An extract from Rilke's  'Letters to a Young Poet' is at 13 mins 46 secs .......................................................................................................

On creativity, inspiration & joy - workshops & 1-1s for women! - a 1 min intro

January 19, 2022 11:00 - 1 minute - 998 KB

A one minute intro - On creativity, inspiration & joy - workshops & 1-1s for women! On friendship, thriving, resilience and the warmth of community x This was recorded for my workshops, as a kind of sum-up of what I love and a vision of women thriving, confident & happy! Workshops - local and zoom Website - main one! Intuitive painting website  ..................................................................................................... * Adding the donate button on 'Buy me a ...

Morning poems 18 - A spider and a fish...

January 11, 2022 12:00 - 3 minutes - 2.51 MB

An episode of  just over 3.5 mins with two short poems written in the stillness - one whilst watching a spider and one after painting intuitively... Both poems focus gently on grief, beauty, tenderness... Chapter markers: Spider poem - 38 seconds Fish poem -  2 mins 24 seconds  ........................................................................................................................... **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out abou...

In memory of my mother xx

December 16, 2021 12:00 - 30 minutes - 20.8 MB

An episode of just over 30 minutes remembering my mum who died last week, on Friday December 10th. I hadn't seen my mum for almost 15 years; it was a difficult relationship for me, but I have such a feeling of love for her and many complex, tender feelings. I know in my heart that we'll have a true, authentic, loving and warm relationship in Spirit now and that we'll be closer than we ever have been. I felt called to make this episode whilst remembering times with her when I was younger...

On Van Gogh, poetry, Nature & Soul - and 'the gypsy soul of a crayon' :)

November 24, 2021 15:00 - 21 minutes - 14.9 MB

An episode of just over 20 mins inspired by reading some of Van Gogh's letters to his brother Theo. This became a longer episode than I thought it would be and includes ponderings on Imagist poetry, including readings of Ezra Pound, F.S.Flint, D.H Lawrence and Amy Lowell... Also considerations of line and music, nature and soul and with an added bonus of my cat Charley sneezing - many times at one point! (He was standing in a sunbeam from the window :D)  I briefly mention the 'Grace & Jo...

On the Grace & Joy Intuitive painting workshops!

September 08, 2021 11:00 - 7 minutes - 5.29 MB

An episode of just over 7 mins on the Grace & Joy painting and wellbeing workshops for women which are held locally in-person and internationally, via Zoom. A little bit about how these came to be, the women they may appeal to most (HSPs, Introverts, Empaths, Intuitives...)  and the joy of painting in this way as a spiritual practice. Skip the intro to 1 min 42 in for the start :)  Link to Meetup - for more info and to join *Support the Show* - Please feel free to click my donate butto...

On Snails and Stillness...

August 11, 2021 10:00 - 9 minutes - 6.55 MB

An episode of 9:28 mins on the beauty of slow... snails, stillness & quiet moments... Sitting with my cat Silver early this morning and listening to the sounds in the garden...and then ponderings and poems emerged x The episode includes readings of three poems: ''Today' by Mary Oliver 'Considering the Snail' by Tom Gunn ''Clarifications' by A.R Ammons Please see chapter markers to skip to each, if you'd like x *Support the Show* - Please feel free to click my donate button on 'Buy me ...

Morning poem 17 - Exotic Elements (or 'Peppery Pirouettes on your grass tips')

July 10, 2021 11:00 - 6 minutes - 4.41 MB

An episode of  just over 6 mins which is a short, intuitive morning poem inspired by a few words... These words unfolded by themsleves into a celebration of the exotic and pleasure in the everyday :) Poem begins at 2mins 56 **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x ........................................................

Val & Moss - Val reading poetry...x

June 03, 2021 07:00 - 12 minutes - 8.76 MB

An episode of 12:39 mins with Val reading the poetry she loves. I met Val over a year ago when I started to walk her Border Collie Moss each week, via The Cinnamon Trust.  We often have a cup of tea and chat too and Val has shared how much comfort she feels from reading poetry, especially by Patience Strong. She has a wonderful 1930s booklet of her poetry that belonged to her mother and this episode is dedicated to Val reading from this booklet.  Stay tuned for a Cornish poem at the end :...

Val & Moss - Val reading poetry...x

June 03, 2021 07:00 - 12 minutes - 8.76 MB

An episode of 12:39 mins with Val reading the poetry she loves. I met Val over a year ago when I started to walk her Border Collie Moss each week, via The Cinnamon Trust.  We often have a cup of tea and chat too and Val has shared how much comfort she feels from reading poetry, especially by Patience Strong. She has a wonderful 1930s booklet of her poetry that belonged to her mother and this episode is dedicated to Val reading from this booklet.  Stay tuned for a Cornish poem at the end :...

Empty empty empty - a meditation inspired by Mooji

May 30, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 15 MB

An episode of 21:42 mins on empty,empty, emptiness and the pure fullness and joy of this. Remaining as spacious awareness, & all else flowing through to the earth with a simple visualisation inspired by the Advaita Vedanta teacher Mooji. The episode is quite long but essentially the meditation practice is very short and can be done at any time, whenever remembered :) Guided meditation begins at 2 mins 30 ** Adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! ...

Poem close to midnight - 'Let all my guests come in'.

May 12, 2021 18:00 - 15 minutes - 10.5 MB

An episode of 15:08 mins on 'being with' sadness and other energies in the body and how they may become our familiar companions. The episode also shares an intuitive poem, 'All is very very ok' written quickly on a piece of paper late at night on this subject and then also a reading of Rumi's 'The Guest House' -  relating so perfectly, and so beautiful. Leonard Cohen's song 'The Guests' is also mentioned x Intuitive poem - 9:53 secs Rumi's 'The Guest House'  (trans. Coleman Barks) - 13:41...

Listening to poetry as comfort and 'a coat of fur' x

April 14, 2021 15:00 - 14 minutes - 10 MB

An episode of 14:32 mins on the  comforts of poetry being read aloud and listening to poets reading their own poetry. The episode is a reading of three poems mentioned in the first part of the autobiographical trilogy by Janet Frame's 'An Angel at My Table'. 'Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking ' -  the beginning, and into a little of the 'Once Paumanok' section, by Walt Whitman  'Meg Merrilies' by John Keats 'The Old Grey Squirrel' by Alfred Noyes Please see chapter markers to skip to ...

Creative Changemakers - 3: Janni Littlepage 'On wonder, creativity, love and all the angels in our lives'

April 09, 2021 18:00 - 53 minutes - 36.6 MB

‘Remain in harmony, wherever possible. Create beauty, wherever possible. Relieve suffering, wherever possible. That is all we ask of you.’  It was truly wonderful to be in conversation with Janni Littlepage, a friend with so many creative gifts and talents, including being a singer-songwriter, artist, writer, garden designer and much more… Janni shares beautiful experiences, moments and insights that have inspired and influenced her life and the conversation includes thoughts around creati...

Morning Poem 15 - The sound of a feeling (or 'Dropping down the day')

March 22, 2021 12:00 - 8 minutes - 5.59 MB

An episode of 8 mins 03 secs and a morning poem that  wrote itself on a scrap of paper, inspired by me trying to remember what had made a certain sound, years ago, a sound that I felt viscerally and over the years have often tried to remember what it was... I wanted to remember as it was the only sound that summed up, so truly, a feeling I had about something... The sound had a deadened resonance, was it a heavy metal dropping on another metal? I know it was something quite specific but ...

Morning Poem 15 - The sound of a feeling (or 'Dropping down the day')

March 22, 2021 12:00 - 8 minutes - 5.59 MB

An episode of 8 mins 03 secs and a morning poem that  wrote itself on a scrap of paper, inspired by me trying to remember what had made a certain sound, years ago, a sound that I felt viscerally and over the years have often tried to remember what it was... I wanted to remember as it was the only sound that summed up, so truly, a feeling I had about something... The sound had a deadened resonance, was it a heavy metal dropping on another metal? I know it was something quite specific but ...

Morning poem 14 The Blossoming Tree (or 'With some people we shine')

March 07, 2021 12:00 - 7 minutes - 5.33 MB

An episode of 7 mins 39 secs and a mid-morning poem that almost wrote itself on a Saturday (6th March 2021), after watching a fly cleaning its legs & bathing in the sunshine and then stopping as my shadow passed over it... This led to ponderings around energies  and blossoming, responses, ease and awkwardnesses... and how we shine with some and not with others... Poem begins at 2.24 mins in. **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any...

Morning poem 13 - 'The Audience is also observed.'

February 22, 2021 19:00 - 6 minutes - 4.67 MB

An episode of 6 mins 41 secs and a morning poem that wrote itself quite early on a Saturday, after an image arising, whilst waking up, of a theatre audience being observed whilst watching a play. A poem then unfolded around the non-dual pointings of Advaita Vedanta, 'Can the perceiver be perceived?' ... & how the play plays out... Poem begins at 2 mins in. **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, penc...

Saturday walk and Saturday song...

February 13, 2021 18:00 - 9 minutes - 6.44 MB

An  episode of 9 mins 16 secs of a Saturday soundscape walk with Plum the labradoodle. (Proper music element at 7 mins 40 in :)) Features the joy of singing freely to the winds...also birds and passing buses :) Singing snatches of Queen's 'Radio Gaga' and also 'Dear Prudence' by The Beatles... - am pretty sure ok to share a few moments of a cover version by the platform Jamkazam     ...........................................................................................................

On critical voices, masks & identity... and the dance of a life!

February 03, 2021 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

Afternoon ponderings and reflections... Beginning with thoughts on the critical voice, moving into Woody Allen's Zelig, identity and masks and onwards into the fullness of nothingness, Advaita Vedanta, the dance of our lives …and joy :) xx *Apologies for the sound quality at the start of the talking - it all eases smoothly after the intro :)   .......................................................................................................................... Please see more artwor...

On negative voices, masks & identity... and the dance of a life!

February 03, 2021 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

Afternoon ponderings and reflections... Beginning with thoughts on the critical/negative voice, moving into Woody Allen's Zelig, identity and masks and onwards into the fullness of nothingness, Advaita Vedanta, the dance of our lives …and joy :) xx *Apologies for the sound quality at the start of the talking - it all eases smoothly after the intro :)   .......................................................................................................................... Please see mo...

EFT for Health, Happiness ...and HSPs! - an intro...

January 14, 2021 18:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

An episode of almost 18 mins introducing an approach to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or 'Tapping' that is wonderful for HSPs. I've been tapping for a few years and am now training in EFT as would love to share this gentle procedure for emotional and physical pain relief with others. My approach incorporates other spiritual approaches I love, in order to return us to our natural state, which is one of health, clarity, happiness and peace. Jan 2021  I'm currently offering 1:1 session...

Morning poem 12 'Charley is my purr-petual alarm clock'

January 04, 2021 09:00 - 6 minutes - 4.8 MB

Featuring beautiful purring by Charley (he has a very loud purr!)  this is a morning poem inspired by the idea of a 'perpetual calendar'... Charley is my own purr-pet-ual alarm clock :) An urge to write unfolded  another intuitive  song of celebration! On early morning, half-asleep, ponderings... and purrings :) Happy N(m)ew year! **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat (and slug) ...

Morning poem 11 'Song of the Slug' (or 'We are liberated in the starlight')

December 13, 2020 11:00 - 5 minutes - 3.76 MB

A morning poem inspired by overhearing fragments of a conversation on the radio about slugs nesting in a cupboard.  An urge to write unfolded a song of celebration! On presence, dancing, heightened senses and receptivity....and slugs :) Poem begins at 1 min 48 secs **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat (and slug) treats ... (and podcast/audio costs) gratefully received, if you like...

A meditation for calming, centring & listening within, for intuitive guidance...

November 25, 2020 09:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

A 16 minute guided meditation for peace, calming and centring in the body and looking within for guidance, from our truest and most authentic space, rather than, perhaps automatically, looking outside for answers. On asking to be shown and being willing and open to receive. This may be around general questions or specific circumstances -  we can start to trust what emerges and live from this wise heart-centred space. There is a little commentary too before the meditation begins, including...

Today's weather report ...& some experimental fun, with my son :)

November 20, 2020 14:00 - 4 minutes - 3.45 MB

A short weather report for November 20th 2020, with  added experimental fun with my son... some vacuuming and a tiny bit of singing x (First time using Garageband on my phone - and it shows :) hee x Please also have a look at all the info on my website too if you'd like to know more...      .......................................................................................................................... Please see more artwork, articles and info at  Artwor...

Today's weather report ...& some experimental fun, with my son :)

November 20, 2020 14:00 - 4 minutes - 3.45 MB

A short weather report for November 20th 2020, with  added experimental fun with my son... some vacuuming and a tiny bit of singing x (First time using Garageband on my phone - and it shows :) hee x Please also have a look at all the info on my website too if you'd like to know more...      .......................................................................................................................... Please see more artwork, articles and info at  Artwor...

Wednesday Warmers - Jimmy Santiago Baca - 'I am offering this poem'

November 18, 2020 09:00 - 4 minutes - 3.23 MB

An episode of just over 4.5 mins and the fourth in the Wednesday Warmers series, inspired by clothing in poetry.  This one is by Jimmy Santiago Baca and is an offering of love and warmth. The  poem begins at 2 mins 27 secs  **New** - just adding the donate button as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats - and celestial socks! (and podcast/audio costs) gratefully received :) if you like x ...................................................

Wednesday Warmers - W.B.Yeats - 'I made my Song a Coat' x

November 11, 2020 22:00 - 9 minutes - 6.37 MB

An episode of just over 9 mins, and the third in the Wednesday Warmers series, this one inspired by W.B.Yeats' poem 'A Coat'. Extended metaphor on identity, art, life, illusion and truth! (Apologies if I ramble on a little in this one :)) The  poem begins at 41 secs  **New** - just adding the donate button as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats - and celestial socks! (and podcast/audio costs) gratefully received :) if you like x .........

Morning Poem 10 - The Thread of a Day (or 'The beautiful glitter of accepting the grey' x)

November 10, 2020 17:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

An episode of  almost 15 mins beginning with thoughts on 'embracing and accepting' the grey, alongside other 'Silver Sisters' :) Also on general self-acceptance through the many changes, internal and external that we experience in our lives. The poem began as a consideration of how our days, our lives are a woven fabric and then the theme of time passing seemed to merge into my own siver hair experience x Poem begins at 11 mins 28 secs **New** - just adding the donate button as recently ...

Morning Poem 9 - 'You are now entering the human heart' (or Miss Aitcheson and the Snake)

November 07, 2020 12:00 - 7 minutes - 5.27 MB

An episode of  7:34 mins, and a  morning poem written in a few quiet moments after reading the short story, 'You are now entering the human heart' by Janet Frame. An intro and then the poem begins at 4 mins 47 secs **New** - just adding the donate button as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats (and podcast/audio costs) gratefully received :) if you like x ......................................................................................

'Wednesday Warmers' - Ron Padgett's 'Inaction of Shoes'

November 04, 2020 18:00 - 6 minutes - 4.69 MB

An episode of almost 7 mins, and the second in the Wednesday Warmers series inspired by reading Ron Padgett's poem today 'Inaction of Shoes'. A wonderful, gently humorous poem and quietly profound too. On doing, being, happening, non-happening, advaita vedanta...and the US election x A little bit at the beginning and end and the poem begins at 2 mins 27 secs 'Inaction of Shoes' by Ron Padgett in 'The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness and Joy' by John Brehm - a beautiful anthology of sp...

'Wednesday Warmers' - Pablo Neruda's celestial socks ...

October 28, 2020 16:00 - 5 minutes - 3.77 MB

An episode of just over 5 mins, and the first in the Wednesday Warmers series inspired by reading Pablo Neruda's poem today 'Ode to My Socks'. A beautiful poem celebrating the gift of a pair of hand-knitted socks. There's extra poignancy in the warmth, love, comfort and kindness shown with the gift, and in the joy in receiving too, when considering Neruda's history of exile and writing in many turbulent times... and it's also so gently humorous too x A little bit at the beginning and then...

Morning poem 8 (The space beyond thought... or 'Tasmanian Devil spontaneously combusts!'))

October 20, 2020 16:00 - 7 minutes - 5.5 MB

An episode of almost 8 mins, and a Monday morning poem written in a few quiet moments. Beginning with the non-dominant hand sketches which have been a recent focus in the intuitive painting workshops, the poem continues with elements of spaciousness, stillness and awareness ... and the Loony-Tunes'  'Tasmanian Devil'! :) hmm... cartoons seem to be a recurring theme! Poem begins at 4 mins 26 secs **New** - just adding the donate button as recently found out about this! Any contributions to...

1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions for happiness

October 13, 2020 15:00 - 4 minutes - 3.37 MB

A bonus 'mini episode' :) with a little bit of info on my 1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions. I thought I'd add a quick audio here in case any listeners are interested... Main info starts at 56 seconds! Please also have a look at all the info on my website too if you'd like to know more... (I also wanted to create a short episode to trial the Descript audio integration - and it's worked! Although the transcript is in one big block of text and the apostrophes have disappeared ....hmmm will loo...

1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions for happiness

October 13, 2020 15:00 - 4 minutes - 3.37 MB

A bonus 'mini episode' :) with a little bit of info on my 1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions. I thought I'd add a quick audio here in case any listeners are interested... Main info starts at 56 seconds! Please also have a look at all the info on my website too if you'd like to know more... (I also wanted to create a short episode to trial the Descript audio integration - and it's worked! Although the transcript is in one big block of text and the apostrophes have disappeared ....hmmm will loo...

Golden light guided meditation for cleansing, releasing and glowing

October 12, 2020 20:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

A 16 minute guided meditation for relaxation, cleansing and warmth. This is another of my own meditations, inspired by my own practice and elements of others I've loved over the years. This is a beautiful meditation for acknowledging, feeling and releasing any tensions and anxieties at any point throughout your day and is also wonderful for centring before intuitive painting. The visualisation of enveloping in golden light is one of warmth and wellbeing, both for ourselves and others.  Me...

Golden light guided meditation for cleansing, releasing and glowing

October 12, 2020 20:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

A 16 minute guided meditation for relaxation, cleansing and warmth. This is another of my own meditations, inspired by my own practice and elements of others I've loved over the years. This is a beautiful meditation for acknowledging, feeling and releasing any tensions and anxieties at any point throughout your day and is also wonderful for centring before intuitive painting. The visualisation of enveloping in golden light is one of warmth and wellbeing, both for ourselves and others.  Me...

Poem after midnight - ‘The green minus-marks of grass’

October 05, 2020 16:00 - 8 minutes - 5.72 MB

An episode of 8:15 mins, and a poem just after midnight, whispering to me to get out of bed, put on the light, find a pencil and start writing x (Audio voice a little coldy/fluey!) This one wrote itself, too, beginning with words that emerged last Friday which inspired an intuitive painting - 'Leaping alive - into the green space'. Then two beautiful phrases and imagery by Janet Frame, a writer I've recently discovered and love - her short stories in 'The Daylight and the Dust' are luminou...

Poem after midnight - ‘The green minus-marks of grass’

October 05, 2020 16:00 - 8 minutes - 5.72 MB

An episode of 8:15 mins, and a poem just after midnight, whispering to me to get out of bed, put on the light, find a pencil and start writing x (Audio voice a little coldy/fluey!) This one wrote itself, too, beginning with words that emerged last Friday which inspired an intuitive painting - 'Leaping alive - into the green space'. Then two beautiful phrases and imagery by Janet Frame, a writer I've recently discovered and love - her short stories in 'The Daylight and the Dust' are luminou...

Poem in the afternoon - Moss, the Mount & Musical skies!

September 28, 2020 08:00 - 6 minutes - 4.77 MB

With Cornish winds from the very beginning ... do not adjust your set :) (a little hard to hear in a few places - apologies if it hurts your ears! If so, please skip to 3:30). An episode of almost 7 mins. Recording a few minutes of a walk with Moss, my beautiful borrowed dog, on a blustery, stormy day. Starting dry, bright and warm in the sun, after 10 mins the sky had darkened, it turned colder and then the rain flung itself down, all in one go, and we were saturated! Poem (recorded out...

Creative Changemakers - 2: Anja Kersten

September 22, 2020 20:00 - 43 minutes - 30.3 MB

‘Do you look behind what’s visible? Do you go a step further?’ Anja Kersten is an inspiring writer, performer and filmmaker with a huge amount of creative offerings full of wonder, depth and intrigue for a magic world. It was fantastic to have a conversation on topics ranging from sensitivity, imagination, curiosity, wonder, improvisation, courage, authenticity and more... This is the second in our Conversations series with creative changemakers and I hope you enjoy the episode as much as...