An episode inspired by and referencing the wonderful book, 'After the Ecstasy, the Laundry' by Buddhist teacher and writer Jack Kornfield.

Looking at Chapter 7 and discussing enlightenment, meditation and peace...
Julian of Norwich and Zen poet Ryokan Taigu are mentioned amongst others, as are  Mooji and Eckhart Tolle.

In preparation too for my own meditation offering soon of '7 days of peace' - connecting with the peace we already are  x


** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


Please see more artwork, articles and info at 

Music by Chad Crouch - 'Gentle Marimbas'
Artwork by Rowena Scotney

Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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