An episode of just over 30 minutes remembering my mum who died last week, on Friday December 10th.

I hadn't seen my mum for almost 15 years; it was a difficult relationship for me, but I have such a feeling of love for her and many complex, tender feelings.

I know in my heart that we'll have a true, authentic, loving and warm relationship in Spirit now and that we'll be closer than we ever have been.

I felt called to make this episode whilst remembering times with her when I was younger and the happy memories centred around poetry and music: 

A reading of 'The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock' by T.S.EliotMemories of 'A Bang on the Ear' by The Waterboys A reading of 'The Stolen Child' by W.B.Yeats

There are chapter markers for these too.

There are articles on my blog around healingAlso the Intuitive painting workshops for women are mentioned 


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(& of course podcast/audio costs!) very gratefully received x


Please see more artwork, articles and info at 

Music by Chad Crouch - 'Meadowland' from 'Field Report Vol. X- Powell Butte' and 'Feeding Flock'
Artwork by Rowena Scotney

Episode cover - 'The Giantess (The Guardian of the Egg)' by Leonora Carrington
Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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