A 16 minute guided meditation for peace, calming and centring in the body and looking within for guidance, from our truest and most authentic space, rather than, perhaps automatically, looking outside for answers.

On asking to be shown and being willing and open to receive. This may be around general questions or specific circumstances -  we can start to trust what emerges and live from this wise heart-centred space.

There is a little commentary too before the meditation begins, including the reference to Mr Duffy in the story 'A Painful Case',  in James Joyce's 'Dubliners' - 'Mr Duffy lived a short distance from his body'.

 This is another of my own meditations, inspired by my own practice and elements of others I've loved over the years.

Please see more artwork, articles and info about workshops  at www.rowenascotney.com 


Music by Podington Bear www.soundofpicture.com - 'Gentle Marimbas'

Artwork by Rowena Scotney

Episode cover - ‘Calm, after gardening' (detail) - intuitive painting
Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin’ felting

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