Previous Episode: On Grace

An episode of almost 10 mins on poetry for Spring (although before the intro there's a mention of November :)).
This was recorded in late April but have only just had time to create it and publish. I had a bit of a fluey/cold when recording this!

Initially this was only going to be poems by e.e.cummings but then the big ginger neighbourhood cat Brother G inspired me to read Neruda's wonderful 'Ode to the Cat'... and he sat and listened all the while:) x

Featuring mewing from Brother G too, from about 2 mins 20 in :) x

The episode is a reading of five poems  - the first four short ones by e.e.cummings and the last, longer one by Pablo Neruda.

'Who are you, little i' by e.e cummings'Spring is like a perhaps hand '- by e.e.c'In Just Spring' by e.e.c'In Spring Comes' by e.e.c'Ode to the Cat' by Pablo Neruda

Please see chapter markers to skip to each, if you'd like x

** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and cat treats

... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


Please see more artwork, articles and info at 

Music by Chad Crouch - 'Ringling'
Artwork by Rowena Scotney

Episode cover - 'Spring buds & 'The Trees' by Larkin' - sketch (detail)
Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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