Find your voice - Episode 24 "Victim Mentality" by Aren Deu #24

Tagline: "Take your power back now"

Avoiding a victim mentality is key to your success, happiness and fulfilment. Are you a victim or victor?

It is important we recognise our own behaviour and thoughts. It is our behaviour and thoughts that will dictate the quality of our actions and decisions to move us towards happiness, fulfilment and achieving our goals.

This episode covers 4 signs and examples that you may not be aware off, that someone with a victim mentality would showcase. If you can relate to these, don't despair. I have been there, as have most of the population but the key is to recognise this and develop your mindset and grow it to take your power back. Take accountability for your actions, grasp that power and confidence in your own decisions and change your mentality to achieve your goals and dreams.

Let's combat those excuses now and do and be better.

I hope you all have an amazing day and get in touch via any of the social media handles below and lets connect and continue this movement.

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welcome to an episode of find your voice a movement led by yours truly Aren Deu a guy who was overcome crippling anxiety adversity and difficulty like so many of you in life whose main goal now is to help you combat your excuses take control of your life write your own story and most importantly find your voice so now without further ado I welcome the host of the show himself Mr Aren Deu what's going on people thank you for tuning into another episode of flight your voice my name is art and as always I am the host of the show so today as you probably know is from the title I don't have a cast so you're actually stuck with me I'm gonna be speaking to you for the next policy hopefully five or ten minutes I'm not gonna keep it long because I'm conscious of your time I truly do appreciate you guys spending time with me for the short amount of Minnesota keep it nice a concise and stick to the topic so the topic today is up by your mentality and some of the victim mentality and this is something that I'm not necessarily what did not day because I'm trying to point the finger at someone trying to say you've got a victim mentality will turn it almost but someone in the spotlight because it's something that I've actually suffered with but the reason I want to talk about it is because I think deep down if you will sit down and think about it I think we've or how to victim mentality at some stage in our life and it's something that doesn't service is something that doesn't feel you will make you happy and this is something that I suppose if we break it down and we let you look at one of our life because the main thing we want is happiness and fulfillment so why do something that doesn't allow you to be happy and be fulfilled so this kind of brings me to the whole victim mentality and the reason I want to have this discussion with yourselves with though it's kind of a wall way discussion but I do you age you wore to open dialogue and you know follow me on Instagram by my you tube channel which I've just bought a brand new one or any other means for my social we don't happen to have this conversation with you I'm trying help you move forward so a couple of things I want to talk about if you find that you always blaming somebody else then you've got a victim mentality so if for instance you always think it someone's always follow its person ace voice Monday bass voice more moms photo is my siblings folk then there's something that you need to look at especially do this quite a lot because the common factor in order those situations is yourself so maybe you should step back and think maybe on the one that is probably at blame but I suppose when you have that mentality thinking about the it's not logical it's always easy to kind of pass the blame of pasta book and power so that's one reason the second is that if it's not a person for a almost become the universe is for software is slice for life to warn of a sudden got it in for me and you kind of have that mentality as well any gain because I've been there I've had that thing where why did it's going to break into song there but it's about trying to song isn't it why does it always rain on me and I was Travis in that video because it felt like the whole will what was kind of raining on me so M. that something is what I think you should look at as well and gain it all comes down to the section and if you really think about it and this isn't the best anyone's bubble but activists mon a long time ago we really not that important we are not that important that the universe conspires to commit gates this this seven billion plus people in this world it doesn't automatically think okay we're gonna talk in this one individual here make their life a misery so M. another thing you might think or find yourselves due to somebody with the victim mentality is be pessimistic with the time given a cynical person not when you sit around and there was the ray new energy now these are quite common actually unless you start changes Safeco so again if you are that person is not being that person but if you're around a person crime you away from me what he's trying to change their mind set or even back send them to the show and the last one which is one one elaborate on just ever so slightly is you become powerless I've been a victim mentality made she powerless and the reason it makes your policy because your always pass in the book you don't want to take any responsibility any accountability for with the situation that you pull on into your life so this is something that I need you guys to think about but I need you to get your power but because only by getting your pop up for you really got to be fulfilled are you really going to truly be happy and all you're going to have to make missiles in whatever aspect of your life is so a quick example I had a dodgy build a few years ago %HESITATION with me off ten twelve thousand times my first thought was it's useful if it wasn't for him I'll be absolutely fine but in hindsight and three working on my pace of development I realized it was a hundred percent my foe you see my daughter didn't like well I say my daughter he's known on the my bill this bill didn't wake up all of a sudden and think Hey I'm gonna head over to the house is not renovated and then I'm gonna put that person off no I got the pace new both I didn't do enough G. diligence I didn't check their previous record and check their accounts that in check if they even have money to start the job and I made so many mistakes from that and that's just one example but I'm sure you guys can all thing kind of similar examples I've day yourselves I need to buy it be responsible for it get your power back really try and think about why you'll possibly why you don't take any kind of B. Y. U. not changing your circumstances because at the end of the day if you continue to possible for the rest of your life you're gonna remain pretty much the same situation we have to develop this growth mindset we have to start to improve our quality of life the way we see ourselves and our confidence we have to combat people and one of the biggest ways to build confidence in the game the Serbian of episode the hopefully I can bring to you guys and you enjoy it is tips on building company is one of the best ways you can do to stop right this second is to stop taking accountability and sought changing the victim mentality and I've heard it used before think they quit a Victor mentality which I think is a very very good analogy so maybe change upward victim to Victor mentality so guys it's a nice weapons hold hopefully you don't mind the short side I think it's important I can engage with you guys as well and %HESITATION find your voice is about the people it's about you guys and try to really inspire at least one person today to go out there find their voice and really start changing the life at the same time I want to share my journey as well with you guys if you wouldn't mind as well I will try to bring you true value is all I connect with you is all because I felt is fantastic for me said in that interview with these amazing guests because they are actually amazing they inspire me every single day they made me grateful in everything the hive I have so much abundance of the more I listen to them the less excuse I make about my own life at the same time morning gauging my wood it's is all because if it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't be where we are today so I'm gonna leave it there I'm gonna as always thank you all for listening let me know how you found this episode let me know the kind of topics that you're interested in because I have got quiet avoid is aware when this time to go and %HESITATION I'm so we keep to its core it's about finding your voice as a metaphor as I said every single person this is actually my first one of let you record the video as well sometime in and you tell me to keep it nice and roll so I least you can see you guys I'm not perfect I'm still on this journey as well I'm still out here right models story find your voice was just the first thought in block and I just feel every day I get more more confident if I make a mistake it's my mistake all takeout accept it the wall do is honor from the experience I'll be better for it in the future I'm brief so I'm not no guys over thank you all once again if you do you get a chance to drop us a review on which is a must to be help if you can share it with somebody else getting massive help I will love you for the rest of my life you can as always thanks for listening and remember this podcast is absolutely free so all we ask in return is for you to share this with a friend and drop us a five star review over on iTunes have an awesome day

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