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Coaching Success Radio

261 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 87 ratings

Coaches learn from each other about how to attract, serve and get paid by their ideal clients.

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Life-Altering Routine Hack - Episode 258

October 23, 2022 02:10 - 17 minutes - 27.3 MB

If you would have asked me 2 years ago, "What business are you in?" I would have said "I'm in the coaching business."   The longer in this game, the more I'm realizing I'm actually NOT in the coaching business... I'm in the SUCCESS business.   Being successful (long-term) as a coach depends on having strong foundation of successful habits.   To paraphrase Jesus... "If you build your house on the sand, it's going to sink."   What good is it to work your tail off to onboard and serve c...

Stay Safe, Stay Broke - Episode 257

October 17, 2022 09:16 - 12 minutes - 19.4 MB

There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna tell it to you straight up:   You must be willing to endure daily discomfort in order to have a successful business.   Some people refer to it as getting yourself out there - "out there" meaning out in the world where other living, breathing human beings live, breathe, think and talk.   It's a terrifying place at times... but it's the only place you're going to find clients.   Sure it's a whole lot easier to stay safe behind your scr...

Why Some Coaches Succeed (and Why Most Fail) - Episode 256

October 10, 2022 09:22 - 7 minutes - 12.2 MB

Here's an inconvenient truth about running your own business... the odds are very much against your success.   For every successful coach I've met, there are an unknown number of startup coaches who hoped for the best but ended up moving on shortly after they hung their shingle.   I refuse to accept the data as being "just the way it is"... there is ALWAYS something you can do to better yourself.   That's the whole reason we became coaches in the first place... to improve the lives of ...

Create A Coaching Business on Your Own Terms - Episode 255

October 03, 2022 08:22 - 26 minutes - 42 MB

Today I'm excited to introduce you to an amazing couple with over 20 years of coaching experience... a husband-and-wife team that have broken completely free from any and all limitations.   Jeni and Jai Holla (yeah - that's really their last name) travel the United States and live wherever they want, whenever they want.  No limits - no rules - nothing but the goal of supporting their clients 100%.   I've had the pleasure of working with them for the past 4 months and realized there's so ...

How $100K+ Earners Maximize Their Time - Episode 254

September 26, 2022 08:39 - 20 minutes - 32.7 MB

If your goal is to earn $100K+ a year in your coaching business but you're struggling to make even a fraction of that, keep the following in mind:   The people who make the money are the people who do the produce that results that make the money.   You want amazing things to happen in your business, in your life and in your bank account - right?   Then you must do the things required to receive those blessings... which means you must carve out time in your cluttered calendar and priori...

Increase Your Flow of Money - Episode 253

September 19, 2022 15:21 - 12 minutes - 19.7 MB

The amount of money you earned in your 9-5 job has nothing to do with how much you can earn as a coach.   The problem is that most coaches struggle in their first months to even bring in one or two paying clients.   When this happens, doubt can creep in and trick you into thinking money is scarce for everyone... and why should they believe they could ever make a full-time living as a life coach?   I'm a firm believer in having a good strategy and implementing fearlessly in order to ach...

A Healthy Dose of Selfishness - Episode 252

September 12, 2022 14:21 - 12 minutes - 19.7 MB

Encouraging coaches to be selfish sounds like a terrible idea... and you might be right if it meant not caring about your clients or their results.   This episode is not about that at all... in fact, just the opposite.   Being a "selfish" coach - or a "jealous" coach - allows you to serve your existing clients at a higher level.   It means you're focused 100% on getting people the outcomes they want instead of concerning yourself with the naysayers.   When you play selfishly (for you...

When Should You Post? - Episode 251

September 05, 2022 08:27 - 11 minutes - 18.7 MB

Simple question - when should you be posting to social media?   I'm sure I'll take all kinds of heat from the "gooroos" out there with all their algorithmic diagrams, who will tell me you must follow a rigid schedule based on the platform, the type of content, your audience's demographic and the alignment of the planets.   Here's my response: As the tactics will continue to change, the strategy remains the same.   Today's episode focuses on the simple strategy that has propelled not ju...

The Very Next Step You Should Take - Episode 250

August 29, 2022 02:46 - 12 minutes - 19.7 MB

Stop what you're doing... clear all the post it notes off your desk and opt out of that sales webinar you signed up for earlier.   There's only one thing you should be focused on today... tomorrow... this week.   I'm warning you right now... today's podcast will call you out. Not because of anything I'm doing, but because of what you KNOW you should be doing.   All I'm hoping to do is inspire you to fail a little bit further and a little bit faster.   You'll thank me later.       ...

Your First Paid Client - Episode 249

August 22, 2022 08:04 - 14 minutes - 23.2 MB

The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.   It can also be said that a successful, full-time coaching business begins with a single paid client.   This seems to be the big hangup for coaches just starting out... it's awesome to roll out the website and the logo and all the catchy catchphrases but it's not really a business until someone hands you their credit card.   Today I'm sharing a snippet of a brand new program called "Your First Paid Client". I'll be sharing where 2 o...

Create High-Speed, High Quality Content - Episode 248

August 15, 2022 08:49 - 13 minutes - 22.2 MB

Content creation got you frustrated?   Hate spending all day staring at a blank screen, only to end up reposting some motivational quote just to "show up"?   Here's a quick and dirty approach to creating good, quality content at top speed.       When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?   If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.   I work exclusively with qualified coaches who want to turn t...

A Full-Time Coach for Teens and Their Parents - Episode 247

August 08, 2022 09:06 - 22 minutes - 35.9 MB

As the father of 2 teens, I can attest to the craziness that sometimes goes on in our house. Independence kicks in... testing the limits is an everyday thing... they're using words like "slay", "sus" and "yeet" (it's okay- I don't know either)   It can be a struggle, and if you and your teen can't ever make things work you should reach out to today's guest and have a conversation.   Ben Pugh is a coach for parents and teens with an incredible heart for helping families reconnect.   He ...

Amazing Clients Every Time - Episode 246

August 01, 2022 14:34 - 13 minutes - 21.5 MB

Filling your coaching calendar is fine... but filling your coaching calendar with AMAZING, ROCKSTAR CLIENTS is the ultimate!   Having a schedule full of uncoachable people would NOT be fun and might compel you to look for work elsewhere.   Which is why it's important to be particular about who you onboard and who you don't.   You want to serve people that energize you, are willing to be challenged and who truly WANT to the transformation that your coaching brings.   How can you make ...

What Would You Do If... -- Episode 245

July 25, 2022 07:58 - 10 minutes - 16.1 MB

As an entrepreneur, you have the ability to create your own path as you go.   You're not bound like a train on the tracks, you're more like a dune buggy that can swerve and turn in the sand at a moment's notice.   Sometimes we'll drive ourselves right off a cliff or head-first into a tree trunk. This can cause us to patch up bruises and lick our wounds, but we need to get back on the journey or we'll miss out big time.   How prepared are you for the obstacles?   If something BIG happ...

Outcomes Matter... Know Yours - Episode 244

July 18, 2022 09:10 - 9 minutes - 15.7 MB

Wanna make an incredible income?  Provide powerful outcomes.   There are a lot of coaching gurus out there telling you that you need to sell the outcome... and they're right.   But how do you know what outcome your coaching provides?   This is where people get hung up. Many of you have told me your coaching provides everyone with a different outcome... it all depends on the person and their situation.   Maybe that's the case but you can't sell your coaching that way. You MUST offer a...

Watch Your Language - Episode 243

July 11, 2022 08:16 - 11 minutes - 19.1 MB

I apologize in advance if you feel personally attacked when you listen to this episode.   Actually, never mind. You need to hear this.   The words you use have an enormous impact on whether or not you struggle as a coach.   Today I'm going after everyone who calls themselves and their programs stuff like "heart-centered-abundance-beholding-fire-breathing-badass-inner-personal-self-discovery-truth-seeking-core-blazing-energizing-invigorating-fluffy-feathery-blah blah blah"....    Stop...

How You Can Handle Hecklers - Episode 242

July 04, 2022 09:31 - 11 minutes - 18.6 MB

There is great freedom in running your own business.   There are also a lot of headaches, including people on the internet who wanna take you down.   You can expect to get heckled when you show up on social media and make bold claims about your coaching business.   Don't let that stop you from getting your message out to the masses... instead you can do what I do.   Today we're going to talk about how to handle the debaters, trolls, naysayers, bad-mouthers and mudslingers.   AKA a ...

Do Less, Make More - Episode 241

June 27, 2022 14:33 - 11 minutes - 18.7 MB

I'm not suggesting you sit around all day doing nothing... but you might want to reevaluate the work you're actually doing each day.   Being busy is hardly the same as being productive.   And the longer I coach, the more I find myself helping my clients cut back their workload instead of adding to it.    Because most coaches don't have a problem working hard or putting in long hours. More often we struggle to let stuff go.   There's a good chance that some of your daily business acti...

The Only Thing Left To Do - Episode 240

June 20, 2022 15:18 - 16 minutes - 26.4 MB

A coaching certification program can take months- even years to complete.   You will spend hours studying coursework, developing listening skills and learning how and when to ask powerful questions.   You might spend between 20 and 100 hours swapping coaching sessions with others in your class in order to further develop your skills.   Until finally you've completed your program and you are now an accredited coach.   After that... there's only one thing left to do.   Any guesses? ...

Birthday Reflections - Episode 239

June 06, 2022 09:42 - 7 minutes - 12.5 MB

Today's my birthday- woohoo!  Cake all around!!!   This episode is simple... just a few thoughts about how my coaching business has evolved and what role it truly plays in my life.   Hopefully my experience gives you some things to consider as you continue through your own journey.       When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?   If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.   I work exclusivel...

Stop Trying to Be the Exception - Episode 238

May 30, 2022 08:24 - 20 minutes - 32 MB

If I could go back in time to the beginning of my coaching business, one of the first things I would tell myself is to stop trying so hard to be that rare exception.   I would spend so much time talking with other successful coaches, trying to figure out what they were doing to crush it... and then I would turn around and assume I had to do it differently.   What a foolish idea!   Tony Robbins says "Success leaves clues."  That might be true, but unless you're willing to pick up and ac...

Get Noisy - Episode 237

May 23, 2022 14:30 - 14 minutes - 22.8 MB

There are billions of people within earshot of your message right now (yes... billions with a "B").   The internet has opened up opportunities for small businesses more than anything else in the history of commerce.   There is a problem though... you're not the only person trying to get to everyone's.   You're competing on a global scale against tens of thousands of other life coaches that are all trying to get the attention of your ideal client.   Which is why right now is the wrong...

Time and Success Are Not Connected - Episode 236

May 16, 2022 08:58 - 16 minutes - 26.3 MB

Have you ever noticed some people manage to be successful no matter what they do while others seem to struggle for years just to get by?   Despite the name, "overnight success" almost never happens in a single night.   But successful people tend to speed up the process faster than the average Joe... and they tend to do this more than once.   How can one person spend years struggling to make money as a coach and someone else can manage to start bringing in paid clients almost immediatel...

Can You Serve Multiple Niches? - Episode 235

May 09, 2022 07:39 - 8 minutes - 13.2 MB

Do you believe that the work you do as a coach can be life-changing for a wide range of potential clients?   If you feel this way, it can be frustrating trying to niche down. The thought of only working with one type of client seems restrictive.   I had a few coaches ask me recently if choosing multiple niches was a possibility.   The short answer is no.   The longer answer is no... but don't worry about it because you'll end up working with all kinds of people anyhow.   This week'...

You’ll Never Hate Selling Again - Episode 234

May 02, 2022 07:46 - 16 minutes - 26.7 MB

If you asked 100 life coaches what they're favorite part of their job was, you'd hear a handful of different answers.   But I doubt "selling" would be one of them.  It probably wouldn't even make the top 50.   This episode is meant to challenge your perception of sales... possibly to the point that you even ENJOY selling (I realize that's a bold claim).   If the thought of "selling" makes you slightly sick to your stomach, I'm going to give you the remedy in today's podcast.   Connec...

Episode 233 - Sell Your Coaching Like Candy

April 25, 2022 08:50 - 10 minutes - 17.6 MB

Things that we coaches find fascinating might not be interesting at all to your ideal clients.   For instance, I see many coaches sharing TED Talks on lofty, intellectual topics like "The Psychology of Limited Thinking" and "How Our Brainwaves Manipulate Our Memories To Believe Negative Ideas That Never Happened".   Don't Google those titles - I just made them up.   But they're basically the kind of stuff I see in my Facebook feed from coaches who believe they're somehow connecting wit...

Sell Your Coaching Like Candy - Episode 233

April 25, 2022 08:50 - 10 minutes - 17.6 MB

Things that we coaches find fascinating might not be interesting at all to your ideal clients.   For instance, I see many coaches sharing TED Talks on lofty, intellectual topics like "The Psychology of Limited Thinking" and "How Our Brainwaves Manipulate Our Memories To Believe Negative Ideas That Never Happened".   Don't Google those titles - I just made them up.   But they're basically the kind of stuff I see in my Facebook feed from coaches who believe they're somehow connecting wit...

Here’s Why Your Favorite Clients Will Want to Keep Paying You Again and Again - Episode 232

April 18, 2022 08:40 - 16 minutes - 25.9 MB

Have you ever had a client that you absolutely LOVED working with?   If you're really clear on your client avatar, you've probably had quite a few -- perhaps even most.   Have you considered there might be ways to continue working with someone longer than your normal 3-6 month coaching program?   I've been working with some of the same clients for years. They keep getting amazing results and I keep getting paid.   In today's episode I'm going to show you how you can do the same thing...

Finding Clients Through Pay-To-Play Platforms- Episode 231

April 11, 2022 09:51 - 21 minutes - 34.6 MB

A seductive new way to find coaching clients has been gaining steam in recent years.   Platforms like Bark act like matchmaking sites for people looking for everything from DJs, painters, birthday magicians... and yes, life coaches.   I've spoken to dozens of coaches who have tried this method for bringing in clients with limited success. The benefits include having clients sent directly to you. The downside is that these people are often making decisions solely based on price- meaning t...

Should You Become a Coach For Coaches? - Episode 230

March 28, 2022 15:37 - 17 minutes - 28.1 MB

Coaches are amazing human beings... but you already know that.   You've spent time with them while you were getting your accreditation. You've probably joined several coaching communities and FB Groups. You may have even swapped coaching sessions together.   But what about becoming a coach that coaches coaches - ever thought about that?   I bet the thought has crossed your mind.   It sounds like an amazing concept. Surrounding yourself with people just like you and helping them becom...

Never Coach For Free (Here’s Why) - Episode 229

March 21, 2022 09:24 - 11 minutes - 18.1 MB

Charge what you're worth... you've heard it a hundred times.   But what if you're not doing this for the money?   What if someone needs your coaching and they just can't afford to pay your prices?   What's the harm in coaching people for free? Or maybe you can give them 10 sessions for the price of 1?   If you're tempted to discount your coaching for any reason, I urge you to listen to today's show.   There are some serious flaws in the "coaching for free" logic that's out there. A...

What NOT To Do - Episode 228

March 14, 2022 17:25 - 14 minutes - 23.3 MB

Sometimes, the more you try and "look" like a successful business owner, the less successful you become.   Today I'm going to share some of the embarrassing struggles I've had and mistakes I made early on in my entrepreneurial endeavors.       When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?   If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.   The 5 Clients in 90 Days Program is designed for qualified coach...

Beware the Brain-Pickers - Episode 227

March 07, 2022 07:16 - 12 minutes - 20.3 MB

Saying "No" to someone is tough, especially when you're a relatively new coach who hasn't made big buckets of cash yet.   When I first started coaching, I would talk to everyone and anyone who wanted to have a conversation.   This means, in addition to bringing on a few free (practice) clients, I ended up helping a lot of people who innocently wanted to "pick my brain".   None of these people were ill-intentioned... but they didn't feel like paying me either.  And why should they?  I m...

Your Next Steps Spelled Out - Episode 226

February 28, 2022 21:11 - 10 minutes - 17.1 MB

Having a goal is great but it's not enough to make you successful.   Without a clear plan, goals are nothing more than wishes.   But what's the plan? How do you know what steps to take and which to avoid?   Today I'm laying out the 3-Step framework for having a successful coaching business. These are 3 "big picture" steps that won't give you a minute-by-minute to-do list to follow... but they will help you assess whether the actions you're taking now are moving you forward, keeping you...

Why No One ”Likes” Your Content - Episode 225

February 21, 2022 21:13 - 13 minutes - 20.8 MB

Are you sick and tired of writing posts that only get 2 or 3 "likes"?   Do you work for hours to create that perfect piece of content, only to have it grow cobwebs?   And then you see other coaches receiving all sorts of attention and engagement and wonder "How come no one 'likes' my content?"   It doesn't have to be this way.   Today's podcast comes fresh off a recent client conversation - and if you're ready to start creating content that produces results, you need to hear this too...

The Emotional Marketing Secret - Episode 224

February 14, 2022 07:51 - 23 minutes - 37.3 MB

If your client calendar is empty and your social media posts are a ghost town... you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say.   This will be one of those "listen twice and take notes" kind of podcasts.   No matter what niche you serve, you will definitely want to use this emotional marketing secret to create powerful connections with your ideal clients.   This is what the top 1% of coaches do to bring in AT LEAST $5K a month consistently.   The curtain's getting rolled back... let's g...

Why Perfection Needs To Go Away Forever - Episode 223

February 07, 2022 07:49 - 13 minutes - 22 MB

"Done is the new perfect."   This simple sentence has been my personal motto for the past 5 years, and I credit much of my success to taking massive imperfect action.   Perfection slows you down, causes you to second-guess yourself and keeps you from serving the very people who need your help!   But there's another side of perfection that's bad for business: when you've achieved perfection (for example, you have a 100% success rate at closing people on the phone) you aren't able to gro...

Who Doesn’t Want To Be Rich? - Episode 222

January 31, 2022 04:22 - 14 minutes - 23.4 MB

Money money money - yeah babyyyy!   Don't you just LOVE money? Having a fat bank account... private jets... caviar... your own private island...    When you think of being rich, you might think of lavish celebrity lifestyles who have more cash than they know what to do with.   But what about having lots of money WITHOUT all the diamonds and pearls and mountains of gold coins?   Our perception of money, wealth and material goods plays a huge role in our lives, our business and our rel...

How Much Is Your Business Costing You? - Episode 221

January 24, 2022 13:40 - 16 minutes - 26.1 MB

You've heard it a thousand times before... "Your money mindset can make or break your business."   It's true that having a negative mindset around money can keep you from amassing true wealth. Yet being positive about how much money you want to make isn't enough.   You need to know how to operate your business profitably.   If you go too many months in a row without making a profit, you're eventually going to have to shut the door on your dream of being a full-time coach.   Are you r...

How To Sell Abundantly - Episode 220

January 17, 2022 08:19 - 7 minutes - 12.3 MB

If you have you ever had a session where a slight shift in perspective resulted in a major client breakthrough, then you're going to LOVE this episode!   I challenge you to make an ever-so-slight shift in the way you sell your coaching.   We're talking miniscule in effort... but enormous in potential!   This is one of those money-mindset, brain smashers that has helped my students explode their ability to close clients, regardless of what they charge.       When was the last time y...

MindBody Mastery - Episode 219

January 10, 2022 08:06 - 27 minutes - 43.3 MB

Today I'm sitting down with martial artist and MindBody Mastery Mentor, Dane Dormio.   Since his first spiritual awakening back in 2004, Dane has dedicated his life to understanding the secrets of flow states and optimal human performance.   He knows what he's doing too.. he has a bachelor's degree in math and physics, a black belt in Kung Foo San Soo, and a master's certificate in 18 Lohan Palms Qigong.   His coaching helps ambitious professionals and high performers optimize their mi...

10X Your Audience Reach Automatically - Episode 218

January 03, 2022 07:46 - 17 minutes - 28.6 MB

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?   Beats me.   But if you were to record a podcast, write a blog post or produce a killer video series and there was no audience, it would have exactly the same result as if you'd never made that effort.   Publishing great content consistently is a MUST if you wish to survive online. So is an audience to consume it.   Stop creating content that never gets shared and dies in darkness.   Today we're goi...

Get Paid Whether Or Not They Enroll - Episode 217

December 13, 2021 07:58 - 12 minutes - 20.8 MB

As a coach, your NUMBER ONE priority should be to coach people through their challenges so they can potentially achieve the outcome they desire... yes?   If you agree, you're going to love this strategy for helping people and putting money in your pocket... even if they don't enroll with you.         When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?   If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.   The 5...

The Tough Love Podcast - Episode 216

November 29, 2021 07:08 - 14 minutes - 23.6 MB

Today's show was prompted by a recent conversation I had with another coach.   It's been 3 years since she started her coaching business. In that time, she's had ONE paying client.   I wish I could say she was the exception... however after thousands of hours of conversations with hundreds of coaches from all over the world, this is much more common than I care to admit.   But whether everyone else succeeds isn't important... what's important is whether YOU succeed or not. And I really...

Starting A Movement For Survivors - Episode 215

November 22, 2021 14:37 - 28 minutes - 46.1 MB

"If I give up on this business, then I'm giving up on all the women who need me."   It's a powerful truth that all coaches should own... this isn't just a business of having a few conversations and making a few dollars.   Coaching is a transformational, life-altering process that has the power to completely change the trajectory of someone's life.   Karen Messina knows this as well as anyone. She's a coach for women survivors of domestic abuse and she's dedicated her life to helping wo...

The Client-Cloning Offer - Episode 214

November 15, 2021 14:48 - 10 minutes - 17.6 MB

Have you ever had a client who was an absolute rock star?   - They showed up to each session, ready to play all out! - They were willing to have their self-limitations shattered - The sessions were fun and the conversations powerful - They describe their results as life-changing   These are the kinds of clients you wish you could bring in consistently, month after month.   Well good news! As long as you've had even ONE rock star client, you're going to love this episode.   I'm goi...

Consistently Earn $5K+ Each Month (Part Time) - Episode 213

November 08, 2021 07:57 - 22 minutes - 36 MB

The next time you hear the success story about that coach who had a $10K month, ask yourself "How many months did that one $20K month take? And how much will they be able to make next month?"   Having a successful month in business is great, but it's hardly life-transforming.   A string of months without any coaching income, followed by a single month of $5K or $10K is not my idea of a successful business model.   I prefer working a calendar that is consistently filled with clients, so...

Create Your Own 6-Figure Opportunities - Episode 212

November 01, 2021 07:52 - 16 minutes - 25.9 MB

Opportunity doesn't always knock.   Most of the time it's walking right past us, blending in and looking like everything else.   Other times it doesn't exist until we do something to create it.   I won't get into a deep philosophical debate about where opportunity actually comes from, but I will tell you it's all over the place.   Abundant opportunity is around you all the time - you just have to seek it.   And sometimes you've got to be willing to create it yourself.       Is ...

Forget Everything! Just Focus on This - Episode 211

October 25, 2021 08:18 - 10 minutes - 17.2 MB

The cat's out of the bag... I'm currently co-creating a brand new program for coaches who are in the very early stages of their coaching business.   Any time I create a new program I have a habit of going through all (and I mean ALL) of my notes, materials and content from over the years to sift through and put together the best of the best for my students.   It's been 5 years since I've niched down to helping coaches grow their businesses online, and in that time there have been so many...

Breaking Down My Typical Week - Episode 210

October 18, 2021 07:18 - 16 minutes - 26.6 MB

When I first started working online full time, every day was a like the wild west - no plan, no schedule and pretty much no progress.    It took a while to figure out how to make this business profitable... and when I say a while, what I mean is YEARS.    It wasn't until I found my groove and really locked in to a solid and consistent schedule that I began to find success.   Today my work schedule has actually reached a place when I jokingly call my life "boring". It isn't boring... bu...

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