As the father of 2 teens, I can attest to the craziness that sometimes goes on in our house. Independence kicks in... testing the limits is an everyday thing... they're using words like "slay", "sus" and "yeet" (it's okay- I don't know either)


It can be a struggle, and if you and your teen can't ever make things work you should reach out to today's guest and have a conversation.


Ben Pugh is a coach for parents and teens with an incredible heart for helping families reconnect.


He set out to build his coaching business in 2019 and today he has a group of more than 120 clients benefitting from he and his team at Firmly Founded Coaching.


I sat down with Ben and discussed how he came upon this particular niche, his coaching model and how he was able to grow his community so quickly.



Ben’s website:


IMPACT: Parenting With Perspective Podcast:




When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?


If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.


I work exclusively with qualified coaches who want to turn this part time business into a full-time career.


A filled coaching calendar is closer than you think...


Let’s have a conversation and map out a specific plan for how you can bring in consistent clients in the next 90 days.