Filling your coaching calendar is fine... but filling your coaching calendar with AMAZING, ROCKSTAR CLIENTS is the ultimate!


Having a schedule full of uncoachable people would NOT be fun and might compel you to look for work elsewhere.


Which is why it's important to be particular about who you onboard and who you don't.


You want to serve people that energize you, are willing to be challenged and who truly WANT to the transformation that your coaching brings.


How can you make sure you only work with the best clients?


That's what we're going to talk about today!




When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid with amazing, rockstar clients?


If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.


I work exclusively with qualified coaches who want to turn this part time business into a full-time career.


A filled coaching calendar is closer than you think...


Let’s have a conversation and map out a specific plan for how you can bring in consistent clients in the next 90 days.