If you would have asked me 2 years ago, "What business are you in?" I would have said "I'm in the coaching business."


The longer in this game, the more I'm realizing I'm actually NOT in the coaching business... I'm in the SUCCESS business.


Being successful (long-term) as a coach depends on having strong foundation of successful habits.


To paraphrase Jesus... "If you build your house on the sand, it's going to sink."


What good is it to work your tail off to onboard and serve clients if your own house isn't in order?  Today's podcast is all about that... and the life-altering routine hack that could very well mean the difference between success and failure.




If you’ve never been paid for your coaching, can you truly consider yourself to be “in business”?


It takes most coaches more than 6 months to book their first paid client – and unfortunately there are way too many coaches who NEVER get paid for their coaching.


What about you? Are you still waiting to find clients willing exchange their cash for your coaching?


Let me help you book your first (or next) paid coaching client.


Go to https://www.YourFirstPaidClient.com