Coaches are amazing human beings... but you already know that.


You've spent time with them while you were getting your accreditation. You've probably joined several coaching communities and FB Groups. You may have even swapped coaching sessions together.


But what about becoming a coach that coaches coaches - ever thought about that?


I bet the thought has crossed your mind.


It sounds like an amazing concept. Surrounding yourself with people just like you and helping them become better coaches.


I felt the same way 5 years ago when I began working almost exclusively with coaches and consultants.


In today's episode I'm going to share what I've learned, and whether or not becoming a coach for coaches is worth considering in 2022.




When was the last time your coaching calendar was booked solid?


If you’re staring at another empty schedule with no clients, no calls and no plan it’s time to get some help.


The 5 Clients in 90 Days Program is designed for qualified coaches who wish to make this part time business into a full-time career.


Your next 5 clients are closer than you think.


Let’s have a conversation and map out a specific plan for how you can bring in consistent clients in the next 90 days.