Here's an inconvenient truth about running your own business... the odds are very much against your success.


For every successful coach I've met, there are an unknown number of startup coaches who hoped for the best but ended up moving on shortly after they hung their shingle.


I refuse to accept the data as being "just the way it is"... there is ALWAYS something you can do to better yourself.


That's the whole reason we became coaches in the first place... to improve the lives of those around us.


So why not focus on doing the things that will improve YOUR life, YOUR business and YOUR overall situation?


Today I'm going to share a core reason why some coaches beat the odds and experience wild success and how you can do the same.




If you’ve never been paid for your coaching, can you truly consider yourself to be “in business”?


It takes most coaches more than 6 months to book their first paid client – and unfortunately there are way too many coaches who NEVER get paid for their coaching.


What about you? Are you still waiting to find clients willing exchange their cash for your coaching?


Let me help you book your first (or next) paid coaching client.


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