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Bonus 3: Titus 2 with a Question Mark

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - January 20, 2022 17:14 - 31 minutes
As Nameica, Kimberly, Angila and I were wrapping up we started discussing things we would change on our wedding days. Titus 2 states that the older women should teach the younger woman. Nameica, however, says she's not sure she wants to follow the women of the old as it relates to marriage.  Is i...

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229: I Got Questions

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - January 15, 2022 15:12 - 50 minutes
I asked Angela Curvey-Chukwu, Kimberly Cleveland, and Nameica Craig to join me for a Q&A session.  We were able to get a few questions in, but it really felt like a few friends talking!  We covered... what I hoped to gain from sharing my story and doing this podcast. Whether I believed in lo...

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You Want A Divorce? Listen To This First

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - January 14, 2022 10:00 - 16 minutes
Do this today before filing for a divorce. Has divorce ever crossed your mind or you’ve already broken the news to your spouse? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, watch this video first. Research shows that couples wait an average of 6 years before seeking help for their marriage. ...

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228: Be Dope and Do It On Purpose

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - January 07, 2022 20:57 - 55 minutes
My guest is mindset coach De Lacy Paisley.  We went all way 'round Gee's Bend in this conversation!  She was such a pleasure to talk to.   In the first part of this interview, we discuss purpose and how we know we are in our purpose vs. serving in a role.  And how to change out mindset in orde...

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Signs Your Husband Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - January 07, 2022 10:00 - 5 minutes
It’s a painful feeling if you believe your husband doesn’t love you anymore. Many marriages fall into a rut or a hole where intimacy gets lost, and it just doesn’t feel like your husband is paying attention or wants to be around you anymore.  They no longer seem present in your life, and you ar...

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What To Do When An Affair Ends Abruptly

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - December 31, 2021 10:00 - 10 minutes
If you were involved in an affair and it suddenly ended, we know you are feeling a whirlwind of emotions. It feels like you're being torn apart and thinking, "that's it. No one will ever love me like that again." It hurts when the people we love leave us, especially when it comes out of nowhere....

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Understanding The Pain Your Spouse Feels After Cheating On You

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - December 24, 2021 10:00 - 7 minutes
How does your spouse feel after cheating on you? Is it guilt or remorse? Maybe they don't even care. Discovering your spouse has cheated is like being on an emotional roller coaster. You feel like you have no control and no way to understand what went wrong in your relationship altogether. There...

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227: The Mean Speak-Double H Time

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - December 20, 2021 20:04 - 51 minutes
My guests are dedicated fathers, all around awesome guys...Haile and Hampton.  I am continuing to get the male perspective on the Richard Williams debate.  How do we appropriately address the issue of men who abandon, cheat, and destroy their children without stereotyping the entire group. I t...

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Can A Relationship Go Back To Normal After Cheating?

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - December 17, 2021 10:00 - 9 minutes
Does a relationship go back to normal after cheating? Is it possible to move past the hurt and deception and go on like it never happened? These are all tough questions, but we have the answers in this video.  Cheating is a significant moment in your life. Cheating changes everything you ever k...

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Top 3 Unhappy Marriage Signs

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - December 10, 2021 10:00 - 12 minutes
Signs are all around us, and today we discuss the Top 3 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage. Wouldn't it be great always to know what your spouse is thinking? Imagine how fantastic your marriage would be if you could just read their minds and be ready with solutions to their problems.  As a married pa...

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Bonus 2: She Didn't Want a Damn Thing From Me

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - December 03, 2021 13:43 - 25 minutes
Cisco was full of wisdom in our last episode.  I couldn't let go of many of his great observations and advice from our recording session.  Here is a bonus episode of those clips I wanted to make sure to share with you.  :59 Cisco shares how he had to "wrap his brain" around his efforts going t...

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How To Fix A Broken Marriage

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - December 03, 2021 10:00 - 11 minutes
If your marriage feels broken or like it’s falling apart, stop what you’re doing and watch this video. At Marriage Helper, we dedicate our time and resources to saving marriages and families, and we want yours to last a lifetime. The first thing to remember is, no one is perfect in a marriage. W...

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226: The Men Speak- All About Cisco

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - December 03, 2021 02:24 - 42 minutes
After seeing a post about Richard Williams, father of Venus and Serena, I decided to explore a sensitive topic. Is it a fallacious narrative that African American fathers aren't present? How do we honor amazing black dads without dishonoring the experience of children and women who haven't been ...

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Micro-Cheating: What It Is & Why You Should BEWARE

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 26, 2021 10:00 - 13 minutes
What is micro-cheating? Micro-cheating is doing something that may open the door to another relationship besides the one you're in, right now. In other words, an activity that we would call inappropriate. You might be saying, well, what do you mean, if I'm being funny with somebody, is that mi...

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage artwork

Micro-Cheating: What Is Is & Why You Should BEWARE

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 26, 2021 10:00 - 13 minutes
What is micro-cheating? Micro-cheating is doing something that may open the door to another relationship besides the one you're in, right now. In other words, an activity that we would call inappropriate. You might be saying, well, what do you mean, if I'm being funny with somebody, is that mi...

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How To Get Your Husbands Attention

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 19, 2021 10:00 - 10 minutes
If you are wondering how to get your husband to pay more attention to you, you'll want to listen to this episode to gain more information on ways to draw him closer and get him to start seeing you again.  There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you are fighting to get your husband’s...

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How To Get Your Husband's Attention

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 19, 2021 10:00 - 10 minutes
If you are wondering how to get your husband to pay more attention to you, you'll want to listen to this episode to gain more information on ways to draw him closer and get him to start seeing you again.  There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you are fighting to get your husband’s...

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Difference Between Lust and Love

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 12, 2021 10:00 - 11 minutes
Lust—that's a powerful word.  Sometimes people confuse love and lust, and they ask, "Am I in lust or am I in love?" Lust is a desire to mate with an appropriate partner because we are hard-wired to procreate, part of our brains are always looking to make a baby. So the lust part of us is thinkin...

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225: How That's Supposed To Work?

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - November 06, 2021 12:06 - 49 minutes
I am continuing to talk to Dr. Thandi.  She is a divorced mother of two who after being betrayed by her husband, now has to coparent with him and his side piece.  It ain't going good! Like the word "petty" I think the word "co-parent" is used without thought. Women, lawyers, legislators, and c...

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Is Marriage Worth It? Choosing Between Marriage & Divorce

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - November 05, 2021 09:00 - 12 minutes
Let's look at the research that shows what the benefits are of marriage. Let's approach this from the data and research perspective. We know from research that married people are more likely to have better health physically and emotionally. They have more robust immune systems, better financial ...

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224: What had happened was...

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - October 29, 2021 12:37 - 29 minutes
I know, I know... been long time.  I'm working through my stuff. And I'm committing again, to being regular with the podcast no matter how I feel.  So, thanks to Dr. Thandi for starting us back up.   She's here to talk about the elusive unicorn of Coparenting. Our views differ just a bit.  Thi...

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5 Ways To Improve Your Marriage When You Feel Stuck

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - October 29, 2021 09:00 - 4 minutes
Getting your relationship out of a rut can be difficult, especially if you're unsure of how you even got there. However, there are five ways to improve your marriage when you feel stuck. Begin by ensuring that you're consistently getting control of your emotions, working on yourself, figuring o...

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How to Forgive A Cheater

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - October 05, 2021 19:00 - 12 minutes
You’ve discovered that your spouse is in an affair. You feel betrayed. You probably feel alone.  An affair is never justified. But no matter what has happened in your life, there is a way to overcome it and not just survive it, but thrive it. What you want to do is deal with the emotion and the...

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How to Forgive A Cheater

Marriage Quick Tips: Affairs, Communication, Avoiding Divorce, and Saving Your Marriage - October 05, 2021 19:00 - 11 minutes
You’ve discovered that your spouse is in an affair. You feel betrayed. You probably feel alone.  An affair is never justified. But no matter what has happened in your life, there is a way to overcome it and not just survive it, but thrive it. What you want to do is deal with the emotion and the...

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223: Be Angry and Sin Not

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - September 19, 2021 14:29 - 1 hour
Well, this is one of the episodes I recorded in August when I wasn't doing the best.  I decided to release it because my guest Loveli Brown Esteem  just made some awesome comments.     She posted a meme that identified anger as a useful and purposeful emotion in our life.  When you've been w...

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222: The Worst Episode Ever

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - September 02, 2021 14:48 - 43 minutes
I've been MIA.  I lost my spark for a minute.  Let's catch up on this loosely collected thought trail called an episode.  Follow me @OneFierceWoman on IG and Facebook.  I've got a BIG event planned for next year.  I need y'all in place on social media when I announce it!

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221: Disconnect and Objectify, Pt 2

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - August 01, 2021 21:27 - 34 minutes
The conversation with Certified Life Recovery and Addictions Coach Ashley Gilbert continues today. She begins with the concept of "freedom".  Having the  freedom to understand who you are and explore is where we need to begin.  She goes back to the beginning of her marriage and shares what she m...

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220: Disconnect and Objectify Pt 1

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - July 27, 2021 12:45 - 50 minutes
Pornography isn't a problem, until it's a problem. That's the bottom line.  Ashley Gilbert is my guest today. She is a certified Life Recovery and Addictions Coach.  Her newlywed years were spent navigating the discovery, admission, and recovery from her husband's addiction to porn.  Him seeking...

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219: Heavy - No Justice. No Peace. Pt 2

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - July 16, 2021 18:50 - 35 minutes
I'm not even sure how to describe this episode.  It's a continuation of episode 218, but we move on to my feeling that I'm heavy because of the loss of relationships with people. When you start caring more for yourself than you do pleasing others, you will lose a lot.   Also, I'm heavy because...

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218: Heavy From the Womb

Not Bitter. Just Petty. - July 11, 2021 14:08 - 41 minutes
Shavon Carter is the YOU relationship expert!  In this episode Dr. Trenace Richardson and I listen to Shavon share the healing journey she went on to recover from abortion, miscarriage, and childlessness.  A journey that took her eventually to the freedom to re-identify herself as child-free!  T...

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