Latest Edinburgh castle Podcast Episodes

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Cow and the Photographer

Edinburgh Revisited - October 14, 2019 13:00 - 1 minute
The cow and the photographer Beddit in ma comfy grund  Chowin’ on ma dreams  I spied ye wi ma half shut ee  An’ heard yer pechs and groans.  As on ye struggl’t up ma hill  An’ heft up oan yer back  A monster wi three legs or mair  Came climbin’ oot yer sack.  A many splindered whirligig...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The 'Bloody' Fringe

Edinburgh Revisited - September 07, 2019 12:00 - 1 minute
The ‘Bloody’ Fringe Pushed to one side, We see the city Slide from out our hands, In annual separation; The wandering audience On their migration, Like Serengeti wildebeest, Driven on by instinct, Following, following, The stars, while The big cats lie, Waiting idly under trees, Bef...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Princes Street Conversations

Edinburgh Revisited - September 07, 2019 12:00 - 1 minute
Prince's Street Conversations  A river of conversations Snatched in the passing Tumble downstream  In a wall of broken sound,  Eavesdropped from other worlds, The private and banal, The intimate and profane, The guttural grunts, The over-engineered sentences,  Of Morningside ladies,  ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Waves Against the Wind

Edinburgh Revisited - September 07, 2019 11:00 - 1 minute
Waves against the wind We are waves against the wind And have two ways to reach the shore By keeping low we hide behind The crashing waves that lead the blind But those who dare to rise and fight And lead the charge in selfless flight Can bear their chests against the storm Their silver ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Blue Planet

Edinburgh Revisited - September 05, 2019 10:00 - 57 seconds
Blue Planet  We went to the National Museum To wait in a winding queue  To see a piece of moon rock, It was grey and disappointing, And unimpressed, I spent  The rest of my time wandering, Lost under the Blue Whale, Trying to take in its scale, This traveller of the globe, Reduced to a...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

One O'Clock Gun

Edinburgh Revisited - September 05, 2019 10:00 - 1 minute
One O’clock Gun  In those  Disappearing seconds Before the hour, A weapon lies,  Prepared and primed, And aimed upon The uncertainty of time; Down below, Defenceless masses, Trudging through The business of their day, Dig into their Oblivious positions; As a timepiece  Gives the o...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Salisbury Crags

Edinburgh Revisited - September 05, 2019 09:00 - 42 seconds
SALISBURY CRAGS  The terracotta curtain Collects the evening sun By hanging the cliff-face, In the air, Tipping back upon itself  Like a broken flagstone, Cantilevered, Against the  Momentary city, Angling back, Effortlessly, Towards the sky, Revealing the ground Beneath our feet, ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Edinburgh Castle Guardians

Edinburgh Revisited - August 27, 2019 18:00 - 1 minute
Edinburgh Castle Guardians  Sir William Wallace: “I got up this morning.  I like to get up in the morning; It gives me the rest of the day to myself.”   King Robert the Bruce:  “I was out walking the other evening.  This fellow stopped me,  And asked if that was the moon up there in the...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Scotsman Building

Edinburgh Revisited - August 25, 2019 09:00 - 1 minute
The Scotsman Building  Stand outside the building, when no one is watching,  And place your hand against the stone,  To feel its gentle thrum, or, late at night, listen  Carefully to hear the oiled presses roll; For this was a heavy industry where ships were built,  Leviathan carriers of t...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Scottish Parliament

Edinburgh Revisited - August 24, 2019 16:00 - 1 minute
SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT  The Spaniard upturned the boats, Heaving them over with his imagination, Manhandling them with elegant precision, To capsize our narrow expectations, Of function, and of form; Then wandering through the brightness Of his mind, probing for a place, Between the people ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Poems in High Walled Garden

Edinburgh Revisited - August 23, 2019 15:00 - 1 minute
Poems in a High Walled Garden  She sips her lemon tea Within a high walled garden, Beneath a perfect square of sky, Broken by erratic clouds,  And sliding gulls; While all around, In, peaceful riot,  The colours take their chance, As shadows steal, Across the grass, Shrinking, squeezi...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Holyrood Garden party

Edinburgh Revisited - August 23, 2019 14:00 - 1 minute
The Holyrood Garden Party They wait, In the undiscriminating queue, Each clutching  A sovereign's invitation, On a white embossed  And weighty card, That has, that very morning,  Been ceremoniously removed From its honoured place, To call them here, The uncomfortably suited, And the ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Stockbridge Lovers

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 16:00 - 1 minute
STOCKBRIDGE LOVERS Lifting over George Street With the Castle to your back,  See Fife on the horizon Silhouetted all in black; Pass Thistle Street, And Queen Street, Then Gardens left and right, Then wonder at the lawyers’ row That stretches out of sight; The cut stone and the palace f...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

A City's Crown

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 14:00 - 1 minute
A City’s Crown  This Queen of cities Wears a jewel encrusted crown; While others reach towards the sky And raise a multitude of hands  To claim attention and respect, Elbowing their neighbours, Shouting their names, The Gherkins and the Shards, With mirrored glass,  And ever-changing s...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Edinburgh's Monumental Night Out

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 12:00 - 2 minutes
Edinburgh’s Monumental Night Out  Every year, on winter’s shortest day, in dead of night, Edinburgh's statues stir, readying themselves, For their annual expedition, their annual jamboree, Livingstone, the great explorer, leads the way,  Then Wellington, the Iron Duke, descends his horse, ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Flying Scotsman

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 11:00 - 50 seconds
Flying Scotsman  Standing in a row Outside Waverley Station, Fingers pushed through the wire. Duffel coats and gloves, Socks round ankles. Black, Everything black. Pot-bellied trains Spitting steam Pushing and pulling Hissing, Fighting? Fighting against the tide. All come to a stan...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Balmoral Clock

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 11:00 - 42 seconds
Balmoral Clock  Edinburgh's time machine Runs three minutes fast, Reaching forwards Into unknown time, and Experiencing a future Before we get there, Saving us anxiety By building a buffer Between the then, And the now; I always Used to wonder, If something  Happened in Those thre...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Bank

Edinburgh Revisited - August 21, 2019 11:00 - 54 seconds
The Bank “I promise to pay The bearer on demand” Is signed beneath With sloping hand, And on this vow We place our trust, Not because we can But because we must; For in exchange Of goods or labour,  We treat the stranger As our neighbour, And on such  A promissory bill, We come to...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Waverley Station Pigeons

Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 22:00 - 35 seconds
Waverley Station Pigeons   With echoes of King’s Cross, Ladybank, And Cardenden  Hanging in the air,  Two boys make statues  At a pigeon, Which stands its ground,  Staring back,  Tilting its head; They throw another shape, It tilts again,  Before it turns,  And claps itself  Into ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Return from Singapore

Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 21:00 - 1 minute
RETURN FROM SINGAPORE I took my granny, In her wheelchair, To the Royal Botanic Gardens, She sat in the chair, And I rode behind her, As we careered Around the paths, Shouting and screaming, Screaming and shouting, Leaving families  In our wake, Until we got  To the glasshouse, Whe...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

A Child's Hand

Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 21:00 - 12 seconds
A Child's Hand Take your child by the hand And hold the future there Keep them upright if you can  Release them if you dare

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Old Royal High School

Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 21:00 - 53 seconds
THE OLD ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL  "Vivas Schola Regia" Or so the school song went, "Sicut arx in colle sita" ‘Like a citadel placed on a hill’ Watching over its city, But empty now, Empty for fifty years, Boys long departed, Old men now; And with each departing soul The memories are reabsorb...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

The Scott Monument

Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 21:00 - 1 minute
The Scott Monument I Am a Gothic Rocket,  Readying For launch,  Fuelled by   Imagination, With a single Astronaut, He  Is tired of his Legend, he is  Weary of his  Crown, And so  We schemed Together to  Escape this  Melancholy town, The countdown it  Has started, 5, 4, 3, 2, ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork


Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 16:00 - 1 minute
HINTERLAND  Beyond the city’s limits, Beyond our narrow field of view, Beyond the castles and the spires, Beyond the ancient and the new;   It dominates the distance, In a place we seldom understand, Yet in the catchment of our minds, Lies our shadowed hinterland;   It looms on our ho...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork


Edinburgh Revisited - August 20, 2019 14:00 - 1 minute
FRIENDSHIP  Throughout our lives, True friends emerge In short supply, Amongst the Temporary travellers Who share our path, In fleeting fellowship, Then disappear from view, Without a backwards glance; For friendship sows a seed, A bond that grows, A tie, that absence cannot break, ...

Edinburgh Revisited artwork

Afternoon Tea at the Balmoral

Edinburgh Revisited - August 17, 2019 08:00 - 52 seconds
Afternoon Tea at The Balmoral Hotel Elegance, Plays softly on the ear, And easy on the eye, Deceiving us With a simplicity, That belies the truth; The practised polished hand, The effortless endeavour, Distilled, and then refined, Where less is more; And here, On a wet and windy, Ed...

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