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Poems in a High Walled Garden 

She sips her lemon tea

Within a high walled garden,

Beneath a perfect square of sky,

Broken by erratic clouds, 

And sliding gulls;

While all around,

In, peaceful riot, 

The colours take their chance,

As shadows steal,

Across the grass,

Shrinking, squeezing,

Pressing out the flowers from her space;

And throughout,

Despite the darkness carving out the light,

She makes the most of every hue,

Of every scent, of every sense,

As single lines are drawn up,

From deep within a hidden well,

And linked together in endless chains,

To lift her far beyond this place;

She raises sonnets from a page,

Holding them gently in her hands,

Before releasing them,

To fly and soar beyond her sight;

These pictures grow and fill the void,

Her garden never dies,

Never falls to winter,

The high walled garden becomes her paradise, 

A refuge, where her four score years and four 

Give way to the reality of her mind,

Where roams a woman,

In the height of summer.