Previous Episode: Salisbury Crags
Next Episode: Waves Against the Wind

One O’clock Gun 

In those 

Disappearing seconds

Before the hour,

A weapon lies, 

Prepared and primed,

And aimed upon

The uncertainty of time;

Down below,

Defenceless masses,

Trudging through

The business of their day,

Dig into their

Oblivious positions;

As a timepiece 

Gives the order to discharge,

And the city echoes, 

To the monstrous 

Anger of the gun, 


Unprotected bodies to the air;


The unforgiving clock commands,

Occupy the hours

Beyond this point,

Never tread this time again,

Until tomorrow, 

When in those 

Disappearing seconds

Before the hour,

The weapon will

Fire once again

A battle of attrition,

From which 

No victory 
