Next Episode: Stockbridge Lovers

A City’s Crown 

This Queen of cities

Wears a jewel encrusted crown;

While others reach towards the sky

And raise a multitude of hands 

To claim attention and respect,

Elbowing their neighbours,

Shouting their names,

The Gherkins and the Shards,

With mirrored glass, 

And ever-changing shapes;

This Kirk, this High Kirk,

Keeps its nerve, unwavering,

Confident in itself,

No need to shout 

Above the crowd,

Precisely set upon the 

Monumental Tower,

Its floating arches,

Welcoming the light,

See the morning garnets flash,

The amethysts at sunset,

The iridescent pearling light

Of flat Edinburgh afternoons;

Resolute, it holds its place,

Self-assured and grounded;

A People’s Crown,

After all.