Previous Episode: Scottish Parliament

The Scotsman Building 

Stand outside the building, when no one is watching, 

And place your hand against the stone, 

To feel its gentle thrum, or, late at night, listen 

Carefully to hear the oiled presses roll;

For this was a heavy industry where ships were built, 

Leviathan carriers of the truth, 

That launched across the world to a daily deadline;

Deep into the morning dark the lorries rolled, 

The trains departed carrying the news, 

And behind them the words soaked into the walls, 

The ink saturating through the floors, 

The men and women starting every day afresh, 

Setting out to build another craft, 

Feeding the never-ending beast;

And round and round the circle went, 

Until, one day, the deadline missed, 

The news departed, shape shifting, 

Leaving behind its anachronistic past;

But join me and place a hand upon the stone, 

Feel the gentle thrum from deep within its soul, 

For this is a building, 

That will forever keep its 
