Your Smile Matters Podcast artwork

Your Smile Matters Podcast

23 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 4 years ago -

Discover A New Smile Transformation Experience…There Have Been Quantum Leaps In The Smile Transformation Process That Now Allow You To Get Your Dream Smile In As Little As 1 Day…No Matter Where You Live!

Hello friends, my name is Dr. Jesse Ritter and I'm a Transformational Cosmetic Dentist. Over the duration of my career I have experienced wins and losses in my pursuit to help patients realize their full potential through smile transformation.

I've learned through helping clients of mine transform their smile as well as discussions and consultations with patients who couldn't make the decision to move forward, that there is a TON of misperceptions and myths when it comes to smile transformations.

This can lead to inaccurate and fear-based decision making which is a bad way to go about any decision.

It's my mission to bring you the TRUTH. I'm going to help you:

- Dismantle limiting beliefs
- Uncover lies your dental insurance has made you believe
- Debunk myths propagated in pop culture about cosmetic dentistry
- Discuss what's possible with modern dentistry
- Alleviate your fear of dentistry
- Provide pros and cons of smile transformation
- Navigate the waters of quantum leaps and big change in your life
- Deal with external influences in your decision making (i.e. other people's opinions)

I am going to interview people who have gotten smile transformations, are considering getting smile transformations, experts in mindset and personal development, experts in personal appearance and style, matchmakers, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and more.

My purpose is to open you up to possibility for yourself and give you accurate information to make your own personal decision regarding your potential smile transformation.

Enjoy the show!

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23: Virtual Dental Consultation Trend

September 09, 2020 10:00 - 5 minutes - 10.5 MB

What's cooler than working in your pajamas, latte in hand in the comfort of your own home?  Talking to your dentist OF COURSE!! Total no brainer. We can all thank COVID for making this  growing trend.  In all seriousness...COVID sucks. But one of the things it did right was force us to adapt and change how we do business with you, in a safer more responsible manner.  In today's episode I talk about the virtual consultation trend in dentistry and how it impacts you and your care.  Enj...

22: The Smile Solutions Experience Explained

August 26, 2020 19:11 - 19 minutes - 23 MB

I’m sure that you’re thinking - “What is so different about this guy? Why does he keep talking about this Smile Solutions Experience?” Allow me to defog your view and delve into what makes this experience so special.  In a nutshell, I explain how we make the process easier for you - whether you’re local or from out of town.  We’ve looked into every barrier that would prevent you from taking the step to get a smile that makes you want to laugh out loud in every photo, and makes others a...

21: What Is Chronic Tooth Degradation?

August 17, 2020 10:00 - 12 minutes - 16.7 MB

Have you experienced?: Cracked teeth Broken teeth Muscle/Jaw pain or headaches Tooth wear or shortening These are all signs of Chronic Tooth Degradation.  Chronic Tooth Degradation is basically tooth wear that is slow.  Like Diabetes, Heart conditions and several other diseases, chronic tooth degradation is insidious in that it may be happening yet you’re not aware of it. Oftentimes, it may go undetected if your dentist is not trained to see the signs. In this episode I discuss...

20: Amazing Email From A Grateful Patient

August 14, 2020 10:00 - 8 minutes - 13.1 MB

I never believe that it's the smile transformation itself that causes a change for you. The cosmetic change is simply a opens up doors and possibilities that were always  available to you, yet not seen.  In today's episode I talk about an incredible email that I received from a client who just completed her cosmetic treatment. Her email was a beautiful message that reminded me why I love to do what I do. If my skills can help you become the person you need to be, to get wha...

19: Dental Patient Stories - We Love To Tell Them!

August 12, 2020 10:00 - 5 minutes - 9.82 MB

I can’t completely relate to you. Here’s why.  I grew up in a middle class family in Selinsgrove, PA. I was fortunate enough to have a great mom (she passed away November 2018). Because of her love and care, I received excellent dental care.  My teeth were crowded and had a funny shape. So I got braces.  The day my orthodontist removed my braces, my mom took me to our dentist. To improve the shape of my teeth and close some gaps, my doc did some amazing cosmetic work that holds up to t...

18: Dentist Advice - How Do You Get What You Want?

August 10, 2020 16:00 - 9 minutes - 13.8 MB

When you villainize something that you secretly desire in your life, the less likely it is that you will get it.  For example, take someone you consider that has “the good life” i.e. they have: A Fancy car A Beautiful home Plenty of time off for vacations A marvelous social life Basically insert whatever envy worthy aspect of their lives that you can think of.  For instance, if you look at them with disdain for having a fancy car, you will not have one. Even if you reaalllllly wa...

18: How Can I Get A New Smile In One Day?

August 05, 2020 10:00 - 9 minutes - 8.67 MB

You’re probably thinking “Having a new smile in one day sounds unrealistic and out-of-reach.” You’ve probably imagined or heard the following:  You have to wear temporary or “plastic” teeth for weeks at a time. It will take you months or even years of appointments to get the smile that you want.  If you are getting a new smile fast, there is something off with the quality of the work.  These are all reasonable assumptions. After all, they came from somewhere, right?  Allow me to chal...

17: Dental Problems - Fix Them Now Or Later?

August 03, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 16 MB

Which of the following would you prefer? 1) Driving an old beater car with 175,417 miles on it that has bald tires, chipped paint, trouble starting in the cold and every time you take it in for maintenance it needs $500+ of work. Once a year, something major happens like a transmission or serpentine belt going out leaving you sitting in the middle of a busy intersection on a hot summer day. You need to ask a few fellow citizens to help you push your car off to the side of the road while ...

16: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power

July 31, 2020 10:00 - 12 minutes - 16.4 MB

Are you squandering your greatest power as a human being? The power to choose is what distinguishes human beings from all other creatures.  You have the ability to envision a future and make choices that move that make that vision a reality. We’ve all had pivotal moments in our lives that we believe define us: Getting cheated on in high school. A close friend dying tragically. Your father moving out after a fight with your mother. Don’t fool yourself into believing that these e...

15: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power

July 29, 2020 15:59 - 11 minutes - 16 MB

Isn’t it strange that out of all of the species created on the planet, we are the only ones that sabotage ourselves on the daily?  Let me give you a few examples: “I dont deserve this.” “I’m not worthy” or “I’m worthless.” “I can’t do this.” “I’m not meant for greatness.” Do you think there is a cheetah out there that talks himself out of getting the best out of his life? DOUBT IT!! Same goes for you.  What you expect and what you think about is what you get aka Law of Attractio...

14: Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

July 27, 2020 10:00 - 15 minutes - 19 MB

A new smile costs dough. What most people don't think about is the OPPORTUNITY COST of guarding their smile, lowered self-confidence, weak self-image, anxiety, embarrassment, diving out of photos and progressive destruction from tooth wear.  All things that can be helped immensely with the new smile I can provide with Integral Cosmetic Dentistry via The Smile Solutions Experience. In this episode I invite you to reframe your mindset around an investment in cosmetic dentistry. Enjoy t...

12: Comprehensive Dental Exam And Treatment - What Is It?

July 24, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 15.4 MB

There’s a responsible way to do cosmetic dentistry. And there’s an irresponsible way to do cosmetic dentistry. In today’s episode I discuss the difference between basic/ single tooth dentistry and comprehensive dentistry. I also talk about why it's important to know the difference, especially if you’re seeking:  Cosmetic treatment Complete health - finding relationships between your bodily and oral health (e.g. detecting sleep apnea or the relationship between diabetes and periodontal...

11: Dental Patient Story - Im So Proud Of This Patient For Her Courage

July 22, 2020 10:00 - 6 minutes - 11.4 MB

Here’s the truth. Plain and simple. The dental industry as it stands, leaves little room for relationship, trust and high quality care.  Like any business: Time = Money.  What does that look like in a traditional dental office? Negligible amount of time with the dentist Rushed appointments Superficial exams Problem/Emergency based treatment How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. And I hated it.  I hated that I had little time to talk to my patients and get to know more ab...

10: Crowns And Veneers: Do My Teeth Need To Be Hacked Down?

July 20, 2020 10:00 - 9 minutes - 13.7 MB

If you’ve ever thought about changing your smile, you’ve probably asked yourself this very question “Do my teeth have to be hacked down?” I would be lying to you if this were not a concern. In the past dental materials and techniques were not as conservative as they are now. Oftentimes, natural tooth structure was sacrificed in order to get clients like you a more esthetic result.  The good news is that, like most industries, our materials and techniques are advancing. Going to a highly ...

9: What Makes A Smile Attractive?

July 17, 2020 10:00 - 9 minutes - 13.6 MB

Have you ever wondered what makes a smile attractive?  In today’s episode, I will talk to you about the physical characteristics of your teeth that affect the appearance of your smile. Things like:  Tooth positioning Color Shape I guarantee this is an episode you don't want to miss. You’ll learn so much about why you may love or dislike your smile.  Enjoy the episode! Learn More About The Smile Solutions Experience Here: ...

8: Smile Transformation Experiences Don't Have To Suck

July 15, 2020 10:00 - 4 minutes - 8.94 MB

Ahhh...the coveted coffee bar. Hot beverages and treats galore all waiting for you as you sit in that cushy chair at your dental office. As you leave you will depart with a warm farewell, a scheduled appointment and goody bag in hand (toothbrushes and floss? YAY!)   These days, an experience like this is quite common and frankly, should be expected.   But, being the dreamer that I am, up-leveling our experience is a non-negotiable.   Check out the video above to hear me explain w...

7: 3D Printing In Dentistry

July 13, 2020 10:00 - 4 minutes - 9.2 MB

Traffic... Crappy wifi... Being placed on hold... Drivers who take up two parking spaces... You can guess that this list represents common annoyances that you deal with on a regular basis...and ones you could do without.  As a dentist I can tell you that one of the most inconvenient things to ask you to do is come in for multiple visits… Sure that’s a little vague. But let me explain.  Anyone who has invested in enhancing their smile will most likely tell you that it was 100% w...

6: What About A Smile Transformation Is Easier Now Than A Year Ago?

July 10, 2020 10:00 - 2 minutes - 7.76 MB

God I miss pagers. They were comforting yet intensely badass. Maybe it was the stylish look on waistbands or the exhilarating *ping* you would hear when someone was trying to contact you. But the pager, like many other products in the past, are old news and pretty much obsolete (I’m not crying, you’re crying.)  The truth is we all want things to be easier. Convenience is king. Hence the invention of the “horseless carriage”, microwaves, dishwashers, amazon, and yes...the cell phone.  T...

5: How Can I Get A New Smile In One Day?

July 08, 2020 18:48 - 7 minutes - 12 MB

If you were getting a new smile would you want it to be done quickly? In this episode I explain how it is entirely possible to get a new smile in one day. I talk about how I utilize the latest technology and techniques to speed the process up and make the entire experience more convenient. Enjoy the episode! Learn more about The Smile Solutions Experience Here: Visit My Website Here: https://www.smilesolutionsofbaltimore....

4: Practice What You Preach

July 06, 2020 10:00 - 5 minutes - 9.75 MB

Confession. I, like many of you (or people you know)...suffer from Temporo-Mandibular Joint or TMJ pain (gasp!) Phew! Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest I feel much better. When patients come in to see me for regular or maintenance care, I make it a priority to spend quality time with them by doing a thorough exam and asking questions about overall health. This is where jaw pain comes in.  I have dedicated a lot of time learning about the jaw joint and how it affects the health of...

3: "I Just Can't Do It Doc. I'm Too Scared!"

July 03, 2020 12:00 - 10 minutes - 14.8 MB

From cigarettes, alcohol, the absence of gloves and zero novocaine to bland, boring and sterile…the dental experience has certainly evolved over the past century.  The phrase “I hate the dentist” is one that I have heard throughout my career. Although I didn't cry myself to sleep every night hearing these complaints, I was compelled to investigate how I could flip the script and change the way we do things in the best interest of my patients.  You see, I LOVE cosmetic and transformative ...

2: My Origin Story In Smile Transformations

July 01, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 12.9 MB

In this episode I share how I became so passionate about having REAL IMPACT in my patient's lives. After a tragic event in my life back in 2018 I made a DECISION that I would no longer putz through my career doing dentistry that didn't fulfill me. If you're looking to make a change in your life, click the link below to learn more about The Smile Solutions Experience:

1: Setting My Intention

June 29, 2020 18:43 - 4 minutes - 8.14 MB

Hello Everyone! I am incredibly excited to launch this first episode! It's my mission to bring you the TRUTH. I'm going to help you: - Dismantle limiting beliefs - Uncover lies your dental insurance has made you believe - Debunk myths propagated in pop culture about cosmetic dentistry - Discuss what's possible with modern dentistry - Alleviate your fear of dentistry - Provide pros and cons of smile transformation - Navigate the waters of quantum leaps and big change in your...