When you villainize something that you secretly desire in your life, the less likely it is that you will get it. 

For example, take someone you consider that has “the good life” i.e. they have:

A Fancy car A Beautiful home Plenty of time off for vacations A marvelous social life

Basically insert whatever envy worthy aspect of their lives that you can think of. 

For instance, if you look at them with disdain for having a fancy car, you will not have one. Even if you reaalllllly want that black ‘67 Shelby GT...you’re not going to get it if you have an attitude of “Must be nice”

This is just one example of many. 

In a nutshell, when you apply shame, disdain or negative feelings towards a desire…

How can you expect to take the steps forward towards getting what it is that you want? 

How can you be open to possibility?

I’ve had one patient explain to me that she felt shame around fixing her smile. She would look at others who made the decision to get a smile makeover with judgement, while also wondering why it is that she wanted a change for herself. Why didn’t she deserve a new smile? What makes one person worthy over another?

It wasn’t until she came face to face with her true desire and dissolved the shame that was open to creative ways and action steps to get what she wanted: A new smile that helped her become more carefree and able to connect with others around her. 

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