Here’s the truth. Plain and simple. The dental industry as it stands, leaves little room for relationship, trust and high quality care. 

Like any business: Time = Money. 

What does that look like in a traditional dental office?

Negligible amount of time with the dentist Rushed appointments Superficial exams Problem/Emergency based treatment

How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. And I hated it. 

I hated that I had little time to talk to my patients and get to know more about their personal lives as well as their dental concerns. 

Furthermore, I detested that I had invested time and money to boost my skills and then not be able to share or use what I had learned. 

Finally, I came to a point where I made the choice to change my practice. 

I choose to spend more time with my clients. 

I choose to practice high quality treatment while ensuring that my patients are well taken care of. 

In today's episode I discuss a recent experience with one of my clients. I talk about how my team and I answered all her questions and addressed her concerns.

End result: a fantastic and easy experience for not only us, but also my patient. 

Enjoy the episode!

In your corner, 

Dr. Jesse Ritter

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