If you’ve ever thought about changing your smile, you’ve probably asked yourself this very question “Do my teeth have to be hacked down?”

I would be lying to you if this were not a concern. In the past dental materials and techniques were not as conservative as they are now. Oftentimes, natural tooth structure was sacrificed in order to get clients like you a more esthetic result. 

The good news is that, like most industries, our materials and techniques are advancing. Going to a highly trained cosmetic dentist (like myself) will ensure that you’re getting the most esthetic yet natural result...minus the unnecessary cutting away of your tooth structure. 

In this episode I will explain the recent advancements in materials and techniques that allow me to provide you with a healthy, natural, beautiful smile. 

By the end, this concern will be the last thing on your mind if you’re considering an awesome change like this for yourself. 
