
Crappy wifi...

Being placed on hold...

Drivers who take up two parking spaces...

You can guess that this list represents common annoyances that you deal with on a regular basis...and ones you could do without. 

As a dentist I can tell you that one of the most inconvenient things to ask you to do is come in for multiple visits…

Sure that’s a little vague. But let me explain. 

Anyone who has invested in enhancing their smile will most likely tell you that it was 100% worth it and wished that they had done it sooner (at least that is what all of my patients have told me.) 

Yet, they may not mention the amount of time and discomfort that was involved in leveling up their smile. Some of these include:

Wearing temporary acrylic teeth for weeks at a time until a technician has finished making the porcelain product...

Dealing with the hassle of waiting even longer if the final restorations are not fitting or because you’re not happy with the appearance...

Coming in for many visits due to having an outside party doing simple tasks on the dentists behalf. Tasks like making models or creating a visual blueprint of your smile...

In short, having another person involved in the process sucks!

So what am I, as a dentist, supposed to do?! Right? 

I have patients that WANT the change - they wanna go on that vacation with their beau and take some selfie cam shots sporting that new too-good-to-be-true smile.

For that reason, I upped my game. After doing so, I’ve realized that there is no turning back...which is a good thing!

First off, I make the process enjoyable by putting you up in a 5 star joint, providing you meals and transportation along with a myriad of other perks. When you’re VIP, we treat you like one.

And like any other VIP we value your time! In the video above I explain how our technology has allowed us to not only control the quality of our dentistry, but also ensure that we do the work efficiently and quickly by completing the majority (if not all) of the steps necessary in-house. 

What does that mean for you? That with your investment, you will get what you want as easily as possible. Whether that's:

Healthy teeth that don't break
A smile to show off
More self confidence
Maximum comfort
Take your pick!

Enjoy the episode!

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