God I miss pagers. They were comforting yet intensely badass. Maybe it was the stylish look on waistbands or the exhilarating *ping* you would hear when someone was trying to contact you.

But the pager, like many other products in the past, are old news and pretty much obsolete (I’m not crying, you’re crying.) 

The truth is we all want things to be easier. Convenience is king. Hence the invention of the “horseless carriage”, microwaves, dishwashers, amazon, and yes...the cell phone. 

The dental field is no different! There’s always the next big thing. At one point Novocaine was the hot ticket item. Then it was tooth colored fillings and digital x-rays. Listen, the list goes on. 

My point is that just like Amazon, we can help you get that knock your socks off smile, do it well and fast! Like pronto!!

One day, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had robots performing surgeries or electric cars that drive  us where we need to go! Oh wait, that already happened...

Excuse me while I go get my terminator gear on...

P.S. Warning - cuteness overload. My kids kinda crashed the party.


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