Next Episode: Dabbling in dipping

I’m a wine lover through and through but I also recognize it is not the healthiest habit to have. Sure, if I drank in moderation but I do find that I tend to lean on the grape from time to time after a bad, hard, stressful, long, you name it kind of day. But forget the damaging effects of alcohol to my body (interrupted sleep, reduction of collagen, weight gain, wine guilts, etc.), what about how I am role-modeling a crutch to my kiddo? I can commit to going dry but I always wonder how I might suffer through a party while everyone else is drinking and P.S – if you’re the guy who goes dry you are automatically targeted as the DD who has to drive everyone else’s drunk butts home at the end of the night. Pass.


I was delighted when I met Alana Burstein of Viv&Oak. Not only do I enjoy our chats but she is also creating a wonderful new opportunity for women like me – cannabis infused wine. Did I mention without the alcohol? Now we’re not talking about tossing some weed into a bottle of non-alcoholic wine. There is a serious process that goes into creating a wine that will help replicated the ritual and experience of enjoying a smooth-tasting wine without the calories or the alcohol. Viv&Oak is speaking my language!


Tune in to learn more about the experience and taste of a cannabis infused wine. You’ll feel the effects within about 10 minutes so you can have that amazing, relaxing feeling without the guilt or calories. As Viv&Oak says, “You’ll thank us in the morning.”

In this episode, Alana explains the process and gives us a glimpse into the extraordinary Californian cannabis scene where cannabis, not cabernet, is the beverage/edible of choice. It’s been a heroic effort to get this product to market but once you listen to Alana, you’ll realize she’s the kind of entrepreneur that handles these challenges with wisdom and tenacity. You’ll also discover that cannabis infused wine is your new BFF!