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When we talk about menopause, we tend to focus on the symptoms. The things that physically impact us and can alter our day-to-day experience. However, what we don’t tend to discuss is one of the less acknowledged ‘side effect’ of menopause – grief. Like any other loss, we experience grief over the loss of our past selves, our ability to produce both children and collagen! We often give a nod to depression and anxiety that can come with this change in life, but we turn a blind eye to how this all makes us feel inside.

We’re talking with Terri Swan, Director of Compassion and Nurturing at Womb Cocoon. Terri Swan is an Advanced Online Grief Recovery Specialist. Terri acts a guide for women, to move them beyond loss and grief to a life of emotional completion and recovery.

Terri will be discussing the impacts of grief, on menopause, our health and our relationships by lending insight to why it’s important to acknowledge our grief at this point in our lives so we can heal and thrive.

We admit the conversation made us a bit emotional. As women, we really to tend to push that ‘stuff’ down and soldier on. It all catches up with us though and it’s important to acknowledge it.

Tune in!