Is Hormone Replacement Treatment HRT safe? Safe for everyone? Safe for you? It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves and our doctors for years but have you ever felt confident with the answer? Back in 2002 the publication of a landmark study warned of the potential negative side-effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The report scared the hell out of women everywhere with the promise of serious health risks. And 19 years later, we're still on the fence about it.

As we always say, knowledge is power and we wanted to learn what the deal is. Is HRT safe? Should we be scared? What are bio-identicals and natural HRT options? There’s a lot to learn and we’re starting with the basics because we know many of you, like ourselves have a lot of questions and concerns around this topic.

Our She2.0 ‘doctor on call’ Dr. Andrea Walsh joins us to talk about the 101 of HRT. We feel like she answers most of our questions but if you have questions of your own, reach out to us and we’ll find you the answers!

Tune in!