As we hit the big 4-0, we start to notice subtle changes to our bodies, our skin, and our faces. Our lines and skin tone don’t lie – even if we do!  Whether we’re raging against aging or choosing to ‘age gracefully’ we must admit, age is more than just a number to us.

We’ve tried treatments, facials and lotions & potions but it really comes down to facial structure to really support our aging skin. Andrea Fairborn – R.H.N, has been in the wellness industry for over 20 years. She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Holistic Facialist, Reiki practitioner and a Face Yoga and Pilates instructor. She’s joining us to talk about the subtle and not so subtle changes we can experience by doing a little face yoga and an ancient practice called Gua Sha. It does take time and practice but for those who want a natural approach to tighter skin, you’ll want to tune in.

Our lines tell us something about our past and about what’s happening in our body. It’s important to understand that because they are a map to our health. But we don’t want to erase our lines completely. We want to look healthy, not impossible.


Have a listen and if you’re interested in learning more and experiencing how facial yoga and Gua Sha can work for you.