

August 03, 2016 02:59

Check out our new site at: WillowsEast.com  

Tarot Blog Hop

July 07, 2016 17:22

Hi, Tarot Blogger Friends! Welcome to the first Willows East Tarot Blog Hop Our Blog Hop is now being hosted on our new site HERE!

Willows East Tarot Blog Hop!

July 07, 2016 17:21

Hi Readers, I'm so excited to join you in this Blog Hop and share some things about me that you may NOT know! Linestrider Tarot What brought you to Tarot? I've been into ghosts, amateur ghost hunting, mediumship, and spiritualism since I was about 7-years-old. I'm now 33! I began practicing mediumship almost 5 years ago and quickly felt overwhelmed with the number of clients and demands. I found my comfort-zone with Tarot and am completely hooked! I've been reading Tarot professionally fo...

Willows East 20-Theme System

July 05, 2016 16:36

Roll a 20-sided dice or use our random-number generator to pick your theme(s): The numbers generated by this widget come from RANDOM.ORG's true random number generator.

The Ethics of Reading For a Third Party

July 05, 2016 15:59

Many seasoned readers will tell you that it's unethical to read for a third party -- anyone outside the reading, beyond the reader and client. Yet, if you've opened your doors to clients or family/friends for readings, you'll know that one of the first questions on many clients' minds is something like, "What is my ex-girlfriend doing this weekend?" or "Is my boyfriend cheating on me?" The reason this is deemed unethical is because the third person hasn't offered up their energy for an intui...

My Favorite Tarot Resources

June 22, 2016 13:09

Here is a quick list of my Top 5 Tarot Resources, PLUS a review of the Biddy Tarot Community, which I adore! The Fool's Dog Apps I am not ashamed to admit that I absolutely LOVE my Tarot apps. I don't typically use them for client readings, but I absolutely keep them handy for journaling on the go and previewing new decks I may eventually want to buy in hard copy (see their FREE Tarot Sampler apps). You can also enter external readings in the app to make pretty graphics for social media or ...

Podcast 8 - The Dracula Spread

May 26, 2016 19:31

This week I use Sasha Graham's 365 Tarot Spreads to complete a reading for May 26th, using the Dracula Spread!

Easily Add Flair to Your Tarot Journal

May 25, 2016 17:54

Are you ready to add some fancy elements and flair to your Tarot Journal? Do you want to spend some quality time relaxing with your journal in a creative way? Me too! My Journaling Background I am a student of fun art and Graphic Design! I got my Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design in 20015, have taught and worked in the arts and design field for 15 years, and I'm super passionate about teaching arts in the community and sharing fun techniques to enhance your journaling methods! Have questio...

Podcast 7 - Tarot for Easing Anxiety

May 20, 2016 20:31

Using Tarot to ease anxiety and a sample spread for you to try! Moonlight Expo recap, meeting Sara Rath (author of Seven Years of Grace), and what's up next!


May 18, 2016 16:42

Finding Your Sacred Space

May 18, 2016 16:30

After the Moonlight Expo in Burlington on Saturday, I found that I was silently asking myself, "What is Willows East? Where is it?" and "Why is it important?" As the day wound down, I opened my journal and asked my cards, "What were the most significant take-aways from this day?" I know I left feeling more certain of my place in this spiritual tribe. I felt grounded. And I noted that many of the querents who sat for a reading were seeking that same feeling... and I knew I could show them ho...

Podcast 6 - Signs and Symbols

May 15, 2016 00:33

Chatting without notes today about a spiritual encounter with my grandfather.

How to Spark Your Intuition Without Using the Tarot

May 11, 2016 16:31

Believe it or not, there's something to be said for those Facebook posts of a word collage that say something like, "The first word you see is a defining part of your personality." Our brains are naturally drawn to words that are familiar and inspiring to us. When we take time to reflect, set our intentions, and believe we can achieve them, we naturally gravitate toward words, thoughts, ideas, actions, situations, and people who can help us on our journey. And, they are drawn to us. Reflecti...

Podcast 5 - When the Cards Say "No"

May 04, 2016 18:47

What do you do when you pull yourself out of the spiritual slump, are ready to proceed with your next big venture, and the cards say "No"?

When the Cards Tell You "No"

May 03, 2016 19:17

The Intuitive Pattern Ok, so the cards didn't really tell me a firm "no" ... But, after this past week, as I pulled myself out of the spiritual slump I was in, I kept asking my cards what I should do next with my business, with life. I did a life purpose reading for myself. I tried to form my personal/business mission statement with the cards and even planned to talk about it in this week's podcast. I have a journal page all set aside for it and everything! Then, I did my monthly and week...

Podcast 4 - Surviving the Spiritual Slump

April 28, 2016 16:50

How I pulled myself out of a week-long "blah" mood using Tarot as my guide! • Also, answering listener question, "Do timeline predictions really work?" • Plus a sample one-card reading!

Surviving the Spiritual Slump

April 27, 2016 16:07

This week and last, I found myself in a spiritual slump. See, I kind of get... I don't know, bored with projects after awhile. Not that spirituality is a "project," it's just that... that's how I approach most new ventures. I've been a spiritual person for as long as I can remember, and developing my intuition is one of the most important things to me. Realizing that there's more to life than the 'here and now' has literally saved my life on many occasions. In my darkest hours, I've called...

Tarot For Life Purpose

April 25, 2016 17:42

Ok, first of all... what the heck does that mean? "Reach for the Stars!" Try my best? Go outside my comfort zone? Become a singer in a punk-rock band?? Ugh! What is MY purpose? Are you struggling to know too? I know I am! Every time I think I have everything figured out, life surprises me, and I'm thrown for a loop again. I find myself laying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, and asking, "WHO am I?" It's frustrating. But, the truth is, it's OK to not know. It's OK to wonder, t...

Tarot For Your Health

April 25, 2016 17:40

Disclaimer 1: I think this goes without saying, but I'm not a doctor. So, even though I use intuition for health concerns or questions, I always trust the advice of my doctor above all, and I encourage you to do the same. Similarly, you shouldn't start any new diet or exercise plan without first consulting your doctor. Disclaimer 2: I am not a super healthy person. I'm overweight, love sweet treats, and don't drink enough water. But I love using Tarot to help me get back on track af...

A Quick Intuitive Exercise

April 25, 2016 15:59

This is a fun intuitive exercise we tried on the Facebook Group this week! Here it is, if you'd like to play along: Ask your higher self or spirit guides to bring only positive and constructive messages through in your visualization. Ask to receive information about a specific area of your life -- love life, career, health, etc. For my example, I'll use career. Now, imagine a pencil. Write down everything you can about the pencil before proceeding to Step 4. -Is it sharpened or not? ...

Intuitive Development is Fun!

April 25, 2016 15:57

Even after years of experimenting with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic exercises to enhance my intuition, each new meditation or focus-exercise surprises me. Think of it like this: You went somewhere today, right? Maybe it was the bus stop or a little cafe, maybe your own kitchen. Now, take a moment to really reflect on that experience. Try to pick up MORE from the scene than you did when you were there with only one purpose. Though you interacted in that scene, your brain picked up ...

Plotting a Course to Happiness with Tarot

April 25, 2016 15:55

Plotting a Course to Happiness with Tarot Don't get me wrong, my Tarot journal is filled with questions like, "How can I get this job?" "How do I retain clients?" "How do I live a healthier life?" Etc.! But over the past few weeks, I've started to ask my cards (and my higher self) broader questions, like, "How do I focus on happiness today?" The Moon card (keywords: emotion/intuition) reminded me to look inward, to control my emotions, to use my intuition to look for happy moments, ...

How I Learned All 78 Tarot Cards FAST!

April 25, 2016 15:52

First, How Tarot Cards Work If you ask different readers how Tarot cards work, you may be surprised to hear different answers. So, I'll tell you how they work for me. The science bit: we see what we want or need to see in the cards. The Emperor card to me always means authority, structure, a father-figure. The Knight of Cups means a lover coming into the picture, an offer of love, or working on a new project. When I see these cards in a reading, they evoke certain emotions in me, an...

Using Tarot to Gain Insight From Ancestors

April 25, 2016 15:47

Here is another practical use for Tarot - communicating with your ancestors! Now, if you're not comfortable channeling your great-great grandmother in seance-like glory, don't worry! You don't have to. You can simply ask the cards what your ancestors want you to know. Before you begin, ask that only positive messages of growth and support come through. Then you can trust that if you get, say, the Tower card, that your ancestors are simply showing their support for some possible chaos...

Podcast 3 - Tarot for Life Purpose

April 21, 2016 17:55

50% off Reading Coupon • Sample Life Purpose Reading • Help from Cat Phoebe • Answering Listener Question: Can you use oracle cards for life purpose readings, or are tarot cards better?