Previous Episode: Intuitive Development is Fun!
Next Episode: Tarot For Your Health

This is a fun intuitive exercise we tried on the Facebook Group this week! Here it is, if you'd like to play along:

Ask your higher self or spirit guides to bring only positive and constructive messages through in your visualization.
Ask to receive information about a specific area of your life -- love life, career, health, etc. For my example, I'll use career.
Now, imagine a pencil. Write down everything you can about the pencil before proceeding to Step 4.

-Is it sharpened or not?

-Is it long?

-What color is it?

-What color is the eraser?

-Where is the pencil?

-Is the scene tidy/messy?

-Anything else that stands out

-Any feelings experienced
Review your notes. In
terms of the area of your life you chose, what might each pencil quality
symbolically mean? There is no wrong answer. We're simply trying to
attempt to pick up on the aspects of the pencil that your subconscious
(or intuitive brain) filled in.
Here are examples of my assessment of my career. Your symbol assessment most likely will be different, and that's OK:

-Sharpened Pencil: I'm working "sharply," am successful at my day job.

-Short Pencil: I'm realizing that I'm not seeing this job as permanent, like I once did. I may not stay here as long as I originally planned.

-Yellow, School Pencil with Pink Eraser: I'm still learning, and I feel like I need to catch up and brush up on my skills to compete with younger employees.

-Environment: My pencil is resting on a clean, white,
blank sheet of paper. I feel like this means that my career path and
journey are just beginning. This is a welcome insight, because I've
really been wanting to branch out to take on bigger and better business

-Feelings: In general, I feel inspired. This scene reminds me that I'm allowed to still be growing, to still be learning.
Final thoughts: you may
want to write down any final thoughts or ideas you have about how to
proceed in that area of your life. Just spending time in an intuitive
state can be uplifting and inspiring. You're telling yourself you
deserve to take time to reflect, and that state of reflection can bring
happiness or "A-ha!" moments. As you continue to practice this, you'll
find you can go to that intuitive place more often, and may not always
need a "focus object" like the pencil.
Would you like to share your thoughts with
me or practice in a group? Write to me at [email protected], or join us on social media!