Previous Episode: A Quick Intuitive Exercise
Next Episode: Tarot For Life Purpose

Disclaimer 1: I think this goes
without saying, but I'm not a doctor. So, even though I use intuition
for health concerns or questions, I always trust the advice of my doctor
above all, and I encourage you to do the same. Similarly, you shouldn't
start any new diet or exercise plan without first consulting your

Disclaimer 2: I am not a super healthy person. I'm overweight,
love sweet treats, and don't drink enough water. But I love using Tarot
to help me get back on track after I wander to the cookie cupboard too
many times!

That said, I've found great success in using some of the following
spreads to intuitively find out which types of foods and exercises
benefit my diet and activity. I hope these questions are fun to try and,
most importantly, allow you some time to reflect on your health

First, ask your guides or higher self to use the cards to bring you visual messages
about your health, and ask that they bring through only positive
messages of encouragement. We're going to skip the textbook card
meanings for this exercise and trust our intuition or what we see in the cards.

Second, we'll choose which spread to use. Here are some that I like, below.

Third, journal about your choices and any validations!

Will ___ Help Me?

Yes and No questions can be powerful when pin-pointing exact foods or
exercises that may help or hurt your system. You can ask your cards,
"Will dairy help me?" If you get a positive card (like 3 of Cups), Yes. If you get a negative card (like 3 of Swords), No.
Continue to trust your intuition and journal about your results. Tarot
isn't an exact science, so refer back to your questions and answers on
your journey to see if cards may have different meanings than you
thought at the time.


Which types of foods help?

Example: If the card you choose is
filled with vegetation or fruit, it may mean that vegetables could help
you. Wands may indicate root vegetables. Pentacles may indicate
something of more 'substance' like breads/carbs. Cups could mean more
liquids, and Swords feel more like spicy foods to me. Ha! But trust your
instincts about what the images mean to you. Again: If you're allergic to a food or it typically makes you ill, don't try it, even if the cards tell you otherwise.

Which types of foods hurt?

Applying the same logic as the example above, which types of foods don't
agree with your digestive system? I chose the Moon card, but what stood
out to me about this card is the flower wreath in her hair (in the
Tarot Mucha deck) and the leaf-like symbols next to her. Raw vegetables
definitely don't agree with me, but 4 of Pentacles (the first card I
chose -- breads/carbs) do!


Tarot can be very helpful when picking a new exercise plan. Here are some questions that are great to ask the cards:

What will bring me success in health?
What will be obstacles on the path to health?
Which type of diet would work best for my health?
Which type of exercise would work best for my health?
Will [this diet] bring me joy/success?
Would [this activity] bring me joy/success?
What should I know about starting a new [diet/activity]?

A 4-Card Spread Representing Activities

Pick four exercises (or food groups), draw a card for each, and compare
the cards to see which one would be most beneficial to your health this
week, month, etc. For example, Biking, Walking, Swimming, Aerobics.
Maybe all 4 options will seem beneficial, positive, and fun, and you'll
want to try each one. Maybe the Swimming option reveals the 3 of Cups,
which suggests to you that this would be a fun activity to do with

We'd love if you shared your results with us at the Willows East Facebook Group!