First, How Tarot Cards Work

If you ask different readers how Tarot
cards work, you may be surprised to hear different answers. So, I'll
tell you how they work for me.

The science bit: we see what we want or need to see in
the cards. The Emperor card to me always means authority, structure, a
father-figure. The Knight of Cups means a lover coming into the picture,
an offer of love, or working on a new project. When I see these cards
in a reading, they evoke certain emotions in me, and I apply those
emotions to the question at hand. "How can I succeed in my new business?"
The Emperor tells me that you need to gain some control. As a major
arcana card, it holds more 'weight' in the reading. The Knight of Cups
tells me that you're jumping into this new business with love,
happiness; you're charging forth with hope and new ideas. The Emperor
suggests that you may need to reel that in a bit and focus on your
long-term and short-term goals, so you know that you're putting that
happy energy into the right projects to be more successful. The reading
is based on my "keywords" of how I know the cards, how this applies to
the question, and my intuition which is based on a 'knowing' --
typically derived from my own past experiences and little cues from the
client that I pick up on subconsciously, in the tone of her voice, in
the words she chooses, etc.

The woo-woo bit: OR what I like to call, The Guide Factor.
As much as my scientific side thrives on knowledge and knowing the
facts about how the cards work, there are frequently readings that break
the logic. You've seen this if you've ever tried to re-ask the same
question and shuffle, only to pull the same cards. OR when you ask what
your lesson for the week is and that card (1 in 78 chances) pops up
frequently over the next week in daily readings.

I've come to terms with the fact that the divine (God, Universe, our Guides) simply have to
be interacting. And if that's TRUE: they have powerful messages for us
of love and empowerment, they know what each card means to us (even if
we decide to change that meaning at the drop of a hat), they know HOW to
communicate with us, and we should listen.

Second, How I Learned All 78 Cards

Once I knew that my guides WANTED to use the cards to communicate with
me, to give me guidance, to help me find my life's purpose, I stopped
worrying about learning and memorizing all 78 cards!

When I stopped worrying about memorizing them, I started giving readings
(to myself and friends and family). And when I started giving readings,
I learned the cards and their meanings quickly.

I learned by doing, and journaling! To quicken the process, I also used a few tricks:

If you're a visual learner, you may want to use a
website or app to easily have all the cards visible as needed and flip
through them quickly. I then wrote down all the cards and a keyword that
I associated with each card. This was used more as a way to familiarize
myself with the cards than to memorize each meaning. In a reading, the
meanings might change based on the question.

If you're an auditory learner, you might like to listen
to podcasts about readings and/or say the cards out loud while you're
driving. Even if you can only remember a handful of them when you start,
say them out loud, and try to come up with a general keyword or
'feeling' for each card.

If you're a kinesthetic learner, it may help you to
spend time with the physical cards. Hold each card, imagine you're
inside each scene, and feel that keyword or emotion on a tactile level.

Spend more time with the cards than with the textbook,
even if you want to refer to the book to help with your keywords, that's
OK, but trust that your guides will lead you to card-meanings that work
for YOU.

For example, the Tarot Mucha deck book describes the 5 of Cups as
disappointment, loss. The figure is sad, and 3 of her cups are tipped
over. However, when I see this card, I'm always drawn to the 2 cups that
remain standing. In many of my readings, I've felt this to mean a sign
of hope in a difficult situation.

Start doing readings! If it's too much to sit in front
of the person while you work out card meanings, offer to do them via
email, and ask the client to provide feedback. That's how I started! The
more you practice, the quicker you'll learn, and your guides will help
you. For a long time, there may always be a new card that stumps you,
that's OK. Take your time, go back to your keywords, then use your
intuition to guide you to what feels right.

Don't look back! At some point, you'll be giving a new
reading, and a card will take on a COMPLETELY different meaning than it
had in previous readings. Resist the temptation to go back to your
previous readings and re-assess. Trust that, in past readings, your
guides were using the knowledge you had THEN to communicate the correct
meaning to you in the cards. As your knowledge expands, your guides will
offer new meanings, and your readings will be richer. And that's exactly how it should be.