Plotting a Course to Happiness with Tarot

Don't get me wrong, my Tarot journal is
filled with questions like, "How can I get this job?" "How do I retain
clients?" "How do I live a healthier life?" Etc.! But over the past few
weeks, I've started to ask my cards (and my higher self) broader
questions, like, "How do I focus on happiness today?"

The Moon card (keywords: emotion/intuition)
reminded me to look inward, to control my emotions, to use my intuition
to look for happy moments, to celebrate them, to reflect in the moment.
Over the weekend, being with my family, nieces and nephews, I
frequently took a few seconds to stop and think, "Wow. My life is pretty
great." Particularly, this happened during lunch at a local cafe.

Why is this HUGE? Because there were a lot of things happening in that moment that, from an outsider, probably looked not-so-great.
My 7-year-old niece dropped a bowl of macaroni on the floor. It
literally shattered. She cried, while we tried to console her. My own
daughter threw a temper-tantrum after spilling yogurt in her lap. But I
kept my stress under control. I celebrated how we came together as a
family to clean up and console each other, to reduce the stress and
laugh about the chaos involved taking 3 kids out for lunch. Nothing
life-shattering happened, and we walked away smiling.

I probably didn't need my cards to tell me, "Hey, chill out, relax, get
your stress under control, smile, and laugh it off." But, when they did,
when that was the message for my day and my week, when that was the
note I jotted down in my journal for the day, "Keep your emotions in
check and focus on the positive," something kind of amazing happened -- I
did it! I was more mindful, and therefore I was happier.

So, now I'm looking ahead to the coming week and asking myself again,
"How can I maintain this calmness/happiness?" And then, for my
monthly-reading in my journal, I'm asking, "How can I focus on happiness
this month?"

The other more-specific questions are great too, but start plotting your
day, your week, your month, and eventually your year with happiness as a focus, and wow! See how your life transforms!