Sometimes we compare our current situation with others. What we forget when we are in that headspace is that we are all in different seasons of our lives. We have our own journey, and it is different from everyone else's. In this episode, we talk about feeding into the myth that you have to have figured things out by a certain age or completed a checklist of accomplishments. We discuss the reality that we are all figuring things out and on different timelines. We share that we are on our own path, and it is okay that it is not like the others.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#34 - Why Your Environment Predicts Your Success -
#135 - Turn Your Losses Into Lessons -

Connect with Emilia, Bianca & the EVOLVE VENTURES Community:

Website: on Instagram@EvolveVenturesTech on Facebook (Public Page)Evolve Ventures Society (Private Facebook Group)@EvolvewithEmilia on Instagram / @Evolvewith Emilia on TikTok@EvolvewithBianca on InstagramConnect with Emilia & Bianca from Evolve Ventures for FREE

Show notes:
[4:27] Self-imposed comparison bias
[8:39] Internal accomplishments
[13:00] Barely figuring life out
[18:28] We all have a different path
[21:27] Outro

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(Stay tuned for next Thursday's Episode!)