***Wow, this is the 100th episode of Why Not Meditate? podcast!
Thank you so much for your ongoing support!***

Everything in life is relational. Everybody and everything in your life is merely responding according to who you are being and how you are showing up. Isn't that an amazing news? It means that you don't need to change anything or anybody to improve your life. You just need to change yourself, and everything and everyone will change accordingly.

Journal prompts:

How are you treating your life? (e.g., lovingly, haphazardly, grudgingly, etc.)What areas in your life do you want to see changes? If your life is merely responding to you, how do you want to change the way you are showing up in those areas?How can you become a better lover for your life?

Ways to connect with Masako:

Let's meditate together on InsightTimer!Why not meditate? FB Groupwhynotmeditate.podcast IGmasakozawa_coaching IGWebsite

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