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15 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 6 years ago -

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Taking a walk through the deep web

January 15, 2018 16:36

With Bitcoin's surge into the mainstream, many people keep asking what it can actually be used for.   While there are many legitimate uses for the cryptocurrency, it is notorious for being used to conduct anonymous illegal purchases on the deep web.   I was having a conversation with someone recently who was under the [...]

Big Data, Big Problems

January 30, 2017 21:08 - 16 minutes - 9.38 MB

A friend shared with me an article that was both fascinating and disturbing.   It talked about how big data was used in elections to target potential voters with pinpoint accuracy.   Essentially, but combining data from social media sites like Facebook and things like online quizzes, companies can build an incredibly in-depth profile of [...]

Teach42 Live: Chock Full of Alternative Facts

January 23, 2017 20:12 - 24 minutes - 45.5 MB

Today was just a good ol' rant.   I'm a little stressed out about the state of civil discourse in this country... well, perhaps world.   In particular, this post from Brian Troyan and this one from Ben Rimes got some thoughts bouncing around the ol' noggin that had to get out.   Busy finishing getting [...]

Teach42 Live: Breaking Out the Nerdy Chat

January 13, 2017 19:14 - 31 minutes - 36.5 MB

Teach42 Live is going to occurring in two flavors: 1) The mini tech reviews I've been doing throughout the week and 2) Weekly panel discussions and interviews.  While all of them will be broadcast live and available to watch as a video archive, the weekly panels and interviews will also be pushed [...]

Podcast – Is three too young for an account on YouTube?

October 01, 2010 14:05 - 17.6 MB

Image by amandacphoto via Flickr And yes, that is a serious question.  I really enjoyed doing the last podcast and had a few thoughts bouncing around the ol' noggin yesterday afternoon.  So I said, "What the heck, let's let it roll..."  Recorded another podcast during the drive home.  Two in one week, will wonders never [...]

Podcast – Remember when nobody was on Twitter? We all do.

September 28, 2010 15:18 - 21.9 MB

Image via Wikipedia I guess I was feeling reflective yesterday, got the bug to create a podcast.  Not a big deal, I know, people do it all the time.  I think this was the first one I've done in about a year, so it felt like a big deal to me.  I talk about that [...]


September 27, 2010 21:05

Google Teacher Academy wrapup

September 26, 2008 14:10

Been meaning to write up some quick thoughts about Google Teacher Academy: Chicago, but realize that time is fleeting and I just didn't see myself getting to it soon. SO, I decided to go the video route and do a quick vlog wrapup about it. FYI, that's the last time I use the camera on [...]

A CarCast, a BikeCast, and… a GovernmentCast ?

August 06, 2008 15:15 - 21.5 MB Video

It's no secret that I'm fascinated by live video streaming. I've never been one to do much editing, I like my media authentic, unscripted and unfiltered. And that's the way I've always podcasted, well back when I used to do it on a regular basis (more often than once year). Well, in the last month [...]

Mobile phones in the classroom…. again

May 06, 2008 14:38

Pogue shared a letter that's got me all riled up again... I’m a high school teacher. Like all high schools, we are dealing with a problem that sucks time, energy, and resources like a black hole: cellphones. We waged a similar battle a few years back with iPods, and although stakes seem much higher now, [...]

Podcast: All a’Twitter about Second Life

May 04, 2007 23:48 - 19.7 MB

Can you guess what's on my mind in this podcast? That's right, the two hottest buzzwords in the EdTech community right now. Twitter and Second Life. I'm about as bullish on Twitter as you can get, and I'm really starting to sink my teeth into SL now. On the verge of being a land owner [...]

Podcast: My life, my feed

April 12, 2007 03:42 - 23.9 MB

How many feeds do you have? I'm not asking how many you subscribe to, rather how many do you own? Do you have a blog or two? A del.icio.us account? Have you posted a YouTube video? Do you have a podcast? Share photos on Flickr? All of these sites and tools create RSS feeds. It [...]

Teach42 Podcast: Twas the night before Passover…

April 03, 2007 04:06 - 21 MB

I'm not sure how many people discuss the pros and cons of allowing public blog commenting on students blogs at their seder table, but that's what's on my mind! The Kathy Sierra situation and Stop Cyberbullying day has left a taste in my mouth worse than matzah with a heaping helping of horseradish. So in [...]

Podcast: Mothers, don’t let your babies grow up to be filtered.

March 22, 2007 19:49 - 14.7 MB

Ladies and Gentleman, this is the third podcast in as many days. Being published a day behind, but that's no big deal. And I do believe that I've now published as many podcasts this week as the last 12 months combined. Yikes! Topic: Filters... *grunt* What are they good for? Absolutely nothing! Heh, even while [...]

PhoneCast: Where’s the free stuff with the “EduSafe” sticker?

March 21, 2007 23:02 - 6.69 MB

Two for two! This podcast was recorded yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to upload it till now. Audio kinda stinks, but sometimes you just have to make do with the tools you have. The fact that I could still create a podcast despite the fact that I had no equipment just makes me [...]

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@thenerdyteacher 1 Episode
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