How many feeds do you have? I'm not asking how many you subscribe to, rather how many do you own? Do you have a blog or two? A account? Have you posted a YouTube video? Do you have a podcast? Share photos on Flickr? All of these sites and tools create RSS feeds. It [...]

How many feeds do you have? I’m not asking how many you subscribe to, rather how many do you own? Do you have a blog or two? A account? Have you posted a YouTube video? Do you have a podcast? Share photos on Flickr? All of these sites and tools create RSS feeds. It occurred to me that when you roll all of those feeds together, you’d really have something that encompasses my entire online identity, a Life Feed if you will. That got me thinking about what it will be like for this next generation of students. As they enter our classrooms, their lives will be public in ways we have never even considered yet. Take my son Aiden for example. Hundreds of photos and a handful of videos and he’s just a couple of days past three months. Am I really going to care if his teacher posts a photo of him on the class website with his name underneath it? Find out in this podcast!

Direct link to the show

A few links to go along with it:

My Open Book blog post

My Life Feed