Image via Wikipedia I guess I was feeling reflective yesterday, got the bug to create a podcast.  Not a big deal, I know, people do it all the time.  I think this was the first one I've done in about a year, so it felt like a big deal to me.  I talk about that [...]

Image via Wikipedia

I guess I was feeling reflective yesterday, got the bug to create a podcast.  Not a big deal, I know, people do it all the time.  I think this was the first one I’ve done in about a year, so it felt like a big deal to me.  I talk about that a bit in the show, the mental barriers, that we create for ourselves that sometimes prevent us from plowing forward.

But the bulk of the show explores my thoughts about the Twitter experience, and while we ALL have a memory of Twitter ‘back in the day’…  even if you just signed up a week ago.  I also delve into some musings on what the future of social media may need to evolve to.

It’s been a while, far too long.  Curious to know how many people will actually take the time to listen to this.  Are podcasts even in your daily routine anymore?  Is it still relevant?  Share a thought, I’d be curious to know your ideas on the topic.


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