Ladies and Gentleman, this is the third podcast in as many days. Being published a day behind, but that's no big deal. And I do believe that I've now published as many podcasts this week as the last 12 months combined. Yikes! Topic: Filters... *grunt* What are they good for? Absolutely nothing! Heh, even while [...]

Ladies and Gentleman, this is the third podcast in as many days. Being published a day behind, but that’s no big deal. And I do believe that I’ve now published as many podcasts this week as the last 12 months combined. Yikes!

Topic: Filters… *grunt* What are they good for? Absolutely nothing! Heh, even while typing I have a bad singing voice. Regardless, I was thinking yesterday about what service filters really serve our schools. Do they really accomplish what we think they do? And of course, the million dollar question, will I put filters on Aiden’s computer when he begins surfing the internet at the ripe ol’ age of 18 months?

Sorry about the clipping and the background noise. It was raining out, which doesn’t sound as cool as I thought it would.

Enjoy the show!

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