Two for two! This podcast was recorded yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to upload it till now. Audio kinda stinks, but sometimes you just have to make do with the tools you have. The fact that I could still create a podcast despite the fact that I had no equipment just makes me [...]

Two for two! This podcast was recorded yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to upload it till now. Audio kinda stinks, but sometimes you just have to make do with the tools you have. The fact that I could still create a podcast despite the fact that I had no equipment just makes me so happy I could do the snoopy dance.

The primary question of the show is, where’s the really good free stuff that is built with education in mind? Where’s the EduDelicious? The EduBloglines? The EduFlickr? And I’m not talking about some hack of it that has an ‘edu’ added to the front of it, I’m talking something really designed with classrooms in mind? Teachers, students, parents, and so on? I find it incredible that the stuff still doesn’t exist. I also discuss a couple out of the box, “Steve must be certifiably crazy” ideas for where they might come from. Things that will never happen, but could if we put our heads together and got organized (we being the edublogging community).

Enjoy the show!

Direct link to the podcast