Join my co-host Nura Rachelle and I, as we explore what all heart centered woman fear mission, their soul mission.  In this special three-part series, discover the joy and fulfillment of living in alignment with your true purpose. What your soul mission is and why aligning with it as a priority is crucial in your holistic wellness. 

Navigate the pitfalls of the hive mind, embrace personal growth, and learn to celebrate your unique identity beyond societal expectations. Nura shares her brilliant astrological insight in where in your chart to understand and validate your soul mission, as well as significant astrological transits that are calling supporting the collective awakening. 

Transform your relationship with alcohol by focusing on yourself. Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help. Understand your body's signals, leverage your emotions, and expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join "The Naturally Sober Woman" self-study course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package. 

Awakened sobriety! Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help, labels or missing out! Expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join The Awakened Sobriety Self Study Course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package.