How much time do you spend while you are trying to not drink focusing on failing?
What if you had a bunch of wins, days that you didn't drink and you knew exactly WHY and you focused on what was working instead?
How would that be a game changer? Find out on today's show!
Don't forget to email me what you want to know more about for the next podcast! 
[email protected]
Thank you for being an amazing part of my circle. 

I love you.

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What Is The 5 Shifts Process?
The 5 shifts is a system of how we learn through Awareness, Education & Growth using mindset and mindfulness principals.
Reduce your desire & attachment for alcohol by unlearning alcohol,  NOT by replace it with something new.

Join Mary in her private coaching mentorship and start applying these shift in real time. Find out more and how to schedule a call HERE.
Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
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