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What emotions don't you feel safe to feel?
Where have you been using alcohol in your life to create a sense of safety and security?
We judge our emotions and our unmet desires. 
Alcohol reinforces the invalidation by dismissing the thought and creating an all too familiar vibration we do feel safe in.
Unfortunately, this comfort of familiarity is compounding our unmet needs and lack of self security. 
Getting alcohol out of your way isn't just about not drinking, it's cultivating and inner resourcing the compassionate witness, so you can feel safe however you show up, where ever you go, no matter what you are doing. Start there by learning new skills and building yourself a safety net of self acceptance. 

Changing your relationship to alcohol begins with more awareness. Lasting change is created with a new perspective.

Tracking your urges/cravings to drink will allow you to experience your relationship to alcohol with more neutrality. 

Click Here to Download your free tracking guide and urge meditation and watch your grip around alcohol soften. 

Take the podcast to the next level with The Stop Drinking & Start Living Course. Join 100's of Women who have successfully eliminated alcohol from their lives using The Five Shifts Processes. Click here to learn more and join.