Committing to a process helps you solve problems at every level of growth. 
Today I respond to four different circumstances from listeners on the show.
I apply the 5 shifts, the E.T.A process and Emotional Intimacy to showcase how we can use the same tools for various circumstances again and again. 

What if committing to a process vs over consuming new information was how you guaranteed your results?
When we do the same thing again and again, we get better at it. 
This is the power of coaching with one coach, with one method. 
You know exactly what to do, what's working and how to fix what's not.
Today we explore:

Why starting over isn't usefulSupporting GriefWhat you say to your self matters the mostYour challenges are your portals to transformation

Schedule a complimentary alignment session with me HERE.

As always, I am so grateful for your reviews on apple podcast.
Together we can change the world!

New Free Training: Discover the Five Myths of Quitting Drinking 

Register For The Free Training NOW: Click HERE
What Is The 5 Shifts Process?
The 5 shifts is a system of how we learn through Awareness, Education & Growth using mindset and mindfulness principals.
Reduce your desire & attachment for alcohol by unlearning alcohol,  NOT by replace it with something new.

Join Mary in her private coaching mentorship and start applying these shift in real time. Find out more and how to schedule a call HERE.
Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
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