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One of the reasons many people feel out of control with alcohol is they think drinking "just happens." Part of this is true. 
Alcohol has become as habitual as brushing your teeth, not to mention the extra large influence the chemical of alcohol has on conditioning your behavior to want more.
However, drinking is always a choice. The question is WHY and how to take back control where there seems to be none.

In today's episode we discuss:

Why alcohol just happens.Why sometimes are easier to say no than others.How to find the answer to why you are drinking.How to gain control where you feel like you have none. Mitigate when it "just happens" by solving problems as they show up.How to implement these strategies as a way of life vs. just a concept you have learned.

To dive into the third option, schedule a complimentary alignment session with me HERE.

As always, I am so grateful for your reviews on apple podcast. Leave a five start review with your best take aways so others can be transformed by this paradigm shift. Together we can change the world.  

All my love, 

Changing your relationship to alcohol begins with more awareness. Lasting change is created with a new perspective.

Tracking your urges/cravings to drink will allow you to experience your relationship to alcohol with more neutrality. 

Click Here to Download your free tracking guide and urge meditation and watch your grip around alcohol soften. 

Take the podcast to the next level with The Stop Drinking & Start Living Course. Join 100's of Women who have successfully eliminated alcohol from their lives using The Five Shifts Processes. Click here to learn more and join.